How to get weight off a rabbit?

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Jan 13, 2014
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Stonyford, California
I recently, aka yesterday, was given a new rabbit by a friend who's daughter decided she didn't want her rabbit anymore. I was told she was a NZ mix before I went to pick her up. Well she looks more like a Flemish in my opinion. When she is sitting she has a kind of roll over her feet and butt. She is eating the same pellets that I am feeding Romeo and grass hay. How should I go about getting weight off her? Or should I worry about it? I am not familiar with Flemish so I ask those who are.
20140204_171106 (1024x768).jpg

She is 3 years old and has had 2 litters. That is the bottom to a cat carrier btw. I thought it might help for scale.
She is pretty!

She doesn't look overweight to me. Run your hand down her back. Her spine should feel like gently rounded bumps. Spiky = too thin, can't be felt = too fat.
Some breeds have that and it actually indicates good condition. I call it a buttlap as opposed to a dewlap. :mrgreen:
In Mini Lops it is referred to as a "skirt" and my NZ x Flemish buck has one :)

He is 11 pounds but gets the least amount of food out of all my buns since he's an "air fern" and maintains a good condition just on grass hay and 4 ounce of pellets in winter, I cannot give him grains as they go straight to his hips :mrgreen:

I agree that the doe doesn't look fatty and extra skin folds are also a trait of French lops
I have a NZW doe who I swear has enough skin for three rabbits her size! She has an enormous dewlap, and a very impressive buttlap! I mean skirt! :D
Glad to know it is a healthy thing. I bet your doe is rather impressive to see Miss M. Thank you all for the info. I am glad I didn't try to cut her pellet ration so get the weight off her, which she apparently doesn't need.

I do have a conscern though. I had Lola (have not decided if we will rename yet) on the porch floor while I was cleaning her cage, not litter trained apparently.... Anyway my 4 year old let Romeo out and before I could catch him he mounted her and she lifted for him. It was only the one time, after he fell off I managed to catch him and put him in his cage. I had both of them on opposite sides of the porch to keep them separated as much as possible even though I had taken them to the vet and they both got a clean bill of health. What should I do now? Is it a "wait and see" situation now?
Sagebrush":14tb7wr0 said:
Anyway my 4 year old let Romeo out and before I could catch him he mounted her and she lifted for him. It was only the one time, after he fell off I managed to catch him and put him in his cage.

:p Popples on the way! :p

Sagebrush":14tb7wr0 said:
I had both of them on opposite sides of the porch to keep them separated as much as possible even though I had taken them to the vet and they both got a clean bill of health. What should I do now? Is it a "wait and see" situation now?

I wouldn't worry too much. Unless the buck was covered in snot and got it on her fur, I doubt that quick contact was enough to pass anything along.

Do still keep Lola quarantined though. The stress of the move and her pregnancy can cause any latent illness to manifest in her.

You'll need to build her a cage with smaller wire in the next few weeks unless you want baby bunnies running all over your house though! :lol:
I got 2 weeks till the IRS check arrives, then it will be redone with appropriate wire. I think my BC would have a field day working baby bunnies lol. He is the one in my avatar. <br /><br /> __________ Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:13 am __________ <br /><br /> Another quick Q, how big of a nest box should I make? She bearly fits into the bottom of the cat carrier when she tries to lay down. Her front feet actually hang over the edge.
Sagebrush":361f94f0 said:
how big of a nest box should I make?

Just big enough that she has 1" to 2" clearance front to back and side to side. Too large and she may lie in the box and smother the kits.

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