How to get a BF to agree to have a dog...

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2010
Reaction score
Stpetersburg, FL
Well growing up all my life we had a dog. I got in a tight spot and felt having a dog at that time was not fair to the little dog I had and I found a loving home for her. Now 4 years latter I want to have a dog. I think now is the best time and I found that dog of my dreams. He is a rescue and a sheltie and he is 3 years old. I so want him so not how do I talk my live in BF of 4 years that we NEED a dog.
Here is Rex the dog I want.



Isn't he so sweet and cute...
first you need to find out if the BF is against having a dog and if so, what are his reasons.

THEN you find ways to talk about those reasons and see if you can meet/work with any objections.
I have to agree with ladysown. And if he agrees on getting a dog, you'll want to consider the fact that you will be doing most if not all the work. My husband loves our dogs, but I am the one who wanted them so I get to do all the work :D

Also consider any retraining issues that will likely be required in obtaining a rescue. And if the dog you want is in a legitamit rescue organization, be prepared for a long, in depth application, home visit, and approval process.

I think it would also be a good idea to list why you want a dog now, how it will fit into your daily lives, and cost consideration. If you have it all laid out before approaching your BF about it, you'll have a much more convincing case.
I will do that I have a list of why I want to have a dog. I am up for doing all the work the kids say they will help but you know how that goes. They do help alot with the rabbits but my BF don't do much for them unless I ask him. I am fine with that. They are going to come do the home check and if that passes he stays here with me.

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