How old is too old?

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Tiny Buns

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2015
Reaction score
We were given two beautiful typey 4H Netherland does, both 4 years old and bred successfully once.

I've tried them both and they eagerly lifted for the buck (2 different proven bucks) but neither came to fruition.

Trying again, but perhaps they're too old? How old is too old?
depends on how hard they have been worked. My mom used to breed rabbits, 2-3 times per year and had 10 year old kindle well for her. She still talks about Snowy. :)
Both the does come from a 4H teen who had them since they were kits. She bred them each no more than twice, when they were under a year. I asked and she never bred any 4H doe more than twice and then just kept them until they eventually died. So, they haven't been overworked. If anything they've had a pretty cushy pet lifestyle.

Just wondering if was worth trying again or if they were too old.
My guess is that they are not too old, but may have accumulations of fat in the body cavity that are interfering with fertility. You could try putting them on a diet for a few months, then suddenly increasing their ration and trying again. A diet of mainly grass hay and only a small ration of pellets is what I would suggest. Foraged greens are good, too, but at this time of year that is not so easy.
I doubt she is too old and agree that internal fat is a likely culprit, another possibilty is pyometra or cancer

I had a ND who was still producing at 8 and likey could of kept going but I stopped my rabbit hobby for school, she lived the next 6 years as a pet :)
Tiny Buns":19v5ny0j said:
They seem fairly lean but it's worth a try. :)

I have to agree with MaggieJ , its likely fatty deposits causing the issues ...

You would be surprised how much fat an apparently lean rabbit can have around its organs ...

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