How much to feed and other questions

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Feb 17, 2013
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Hey everyone, I havn't posted in quite a while, but I have some questions. I've been feeding various grains, fruits, veggies, herbs, weeds, etc. to my rabbits for years, but I've also been feeding pellets. I'd like to get them completely off pellets though. My question with this is how do I figure out how much grain and greens they need year round? Also before I forget to mention, they do have access to grass hay 24/7 and get alfalfa cubes as well.

I can't give exact amounts that I feed right now because I just eyeball it and increase/decrease as needed. None of my rabbits are fat or skinny, they're all in good weight and condition. I raise them for show and meat. The grains I currently use are barley, oats, wheat, and BOSS. I have a 'weed garden' that I have dandelion and plantain in so far. As for herbs I grow parsley, basil, lavendar, lemon balm, dill, rosemary, lemongrass, oregano, thyme, fennel, cilantro, lemon verbena, sage, and some other stuff that I'd have to go look at the tags to remember the names. :lol: Other than that I have blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, grape vines, garlic, sunflowers, peach trees, pear trees, strawberries, roses, red clover, etc. I also use some of the stuff in the gardens we have. That includes 25+ different kinds of fruits and vegetables. So pretty much the only things they get that I don't grow/can't go out and gather are the pellets, oats, barley, wheat, hay and alfalfa cubes.

Should I gradually cut out the pellets and increase the greens they get or grains or what?

Also would loose minerals be okay instead of the blocks?

There was something else I wanted to ask but I can't remember what it was! If I do, I'll ask.
You might want to check out the thread in this forum titled "Trinity Oak's Grain Feed mix" There is lots of good info there on this very subject.

Good luck with your project :)