How much oats are OK?

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Well-known member
May 26, 2012
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I bought a 50 pound bag of stream rolled oats from my feed mill for only $18, and I've been giving the buns a small handful each day. I don't want them to get fat but it would be nice to try to make the pellets stretch a little further. What should the pellet to oat ratio be? I can't believe how much the rabbits enjoy their oats. I should have started feeding oats a long time ago!
I don't know as I don't feed oats, but I'm curious. Cost of feed has gotten sooo high around here, if the oats stretch a bag of pellets even a little I'd be willing to give it a let me know how the oats work out for you. :)
My buns were all way too fat and I haven't gotten any kits. :( I cut the pellets waaaay back and upped the hay. I give a 1/4 cup oats at night, 1/4-1/2 cup pellets in the morning and free hay all day. Everyone is looking much better now. Working on rebreeding the whole crew. :oops:

I felt kits on two of the does at 12-14 days, but apparently they reabsorbed them, as they never got much bigger and I couldn't feel kits a week later. :?

Switching around the bucks as well. All get time every other day or so in the 3'X6' playpen for exercise also. Hope it works soon!!! :mrgreen:
Mine gets about 1/3 cup per day. He eats the oats after all his other feed (greens) is gone. His weight is really good.
Be careful feeding dwarfs and hollands streamed rolled oats...internal fat is a problem with these little guys. Fat does don't concieve :( Our dwarfs get 1/3 cup of 16% pellets a day and our hollands get 1/2 cup of 16% pellets. I do give a handful of grass hay daily. Oats are given as a treat. (heaping teaspoon once or twice a week) Perhaps just get a bale of hay and use the good fiber and nutrients to cut down some on pellets. A bale of hay would go a long way. Do you measure food daily or use self feeders?<br /><br />__________ Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:40 pm __________<br /><br />isdapous wrote ....My buns were all way too fat and I haven't gotten any kits

What breed of bunnies do you have? How much have you been feeding per day? What is the fat and protien content of your feed?
I use self feeders, and all of our buns are on 18% feed. I've not been feeding oats very long so I know it could be too soon to be seeing any negative effects, but all of my does except two that have very young litters are pregnant now. I'd like to get a bale of hay but I don't have any place to store it right now. As soon as I get my new rabbitry set up I'll have the space! :)

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