How many ways to die?

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2012
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Central Oklahoma
Oklahoma - winter weather is a roller coaster. 70 degrees today. High Monday will be 25. Last weekend it did the same thing - 65 over the weekend, the front came in and dropped it to the coldest temps we've had in 12 years, overnight. Woke up to 5 degrees with a -12 wind chill.

Concerned for my out of nest 3 week old babies, I placed a 100 watt light bulb, in a clamp lamp, outside the front of their cage. All snuggled in. I checked it for nearly an hour, to make sure no one was getting too hot, there was no possibility of anything getting into it to start a fire, etc. I've used 100 watt bulbs as heat for years with no problems. The bunnies were plenty mobile enough to move away if they got too warm.

This time, problem. My one and only, very favorite, little blue bunny must have gotten warm....and thirsty. Unfortunately, there was just enough of an ice skim over the water bowl that he climbed on top....and fell in. Probably not an issue, Mama has been very attentive and would have dried him at once....except, he touched the metal urine guards on the way out, and just like licking a pipe in the cold, he stuck fast.

That's where I found him in the morning, frozen solid to the urine guard. Without being too graphic, I absolutely could not get him loose without removing hair. There is no way the little guy was going to get himself loose.

Why is it always the one you are most looking forward to seeing grow up?
Do they sit around at night and discuss the most odd and weird ways to commit suicide? Who would have thought they could lose a bunny this way?

What are some of the most strange ways that your bunnies have passed on? Maybe some of the stories could prevent others' bunnies from making the same mistakes.

I removed the light the next morning. No more overheated and thirsty bunnies for me.
three week old babies shouldn't need a light to stay warm, they should be able to snuggle together, providing hay and a box to hide in should be enough.

Freak accidents happen... I had a bunny get it's leg caught in the side wall of a cage once... have no clue how it managed that...
luvabunny":2527zubq said:
Oklahoma - winter weather is a roller coaster. 70 degrees today. High Monday will be 25. Last weekend it did the same thing - 65 over the weekend, the front came in and dropped it to the coldest temps we've had in 12 years, overnight. Woke up to 5 degrees with a -12 wind chill.

Concerned for my out of nest 3 week old babies, I placed a 100 watt light bulb, in a clamp lamp, outside the front of their cage. All snuggled in. I checked it for nearly an hour, to make sure no one was getting too hot, there was no possibility of anything getting into it to start a fire, etc. I've used 100 watt bulbs as heat for years with no problems. The bunnies were plenty mobile enough to move away if they got too warm.

This time, problem. My one and only, very favorite, little blue bunny must have gotten warm....and thirsty. Unfortunately, there was just enough of an ice skim over the water bowl that he climbed on top....and fell in. Probably not an issue, Mama has been very attentive and would have dried him at once....except, he touched the metal urine guards on the way out, and just like licking a pipe in the cold, he stuck fast.

That's where I found him in the morning, frozen solid to the urine guard. Without being too graphic, I absolutely could not get him loose without removing hair. There is no way the little guy was going to get himself loose.

Why is it always the one you are most looking forward to seeing grow up?
Do they sit around at night and discuss the most odd and weird ways to commit suicide? Who would have thought they could lose a bunny this way?

What are some of the most strange ways that your bunnies have passed on? Maybe some of the stories could prevent others' bunnies from making the same mistakes.

I removed the light the next morning. No more overheated and thirsty bunnies for me.

My hubs bought me these books for my birthday last year, The Bunny funny and not far wrong. Rabbits can and will think of the most inventive ways to kill themselves... :shock:
I had one climb in to the metal hayrack somehow and must have caught her toes jumping out. She dislocated the joint to her foot and we couldn't fix it. She used it to groom and so forth but walked 3 legged or on the side of the paw. Also the one who got her dewlap ripped open in the colony pen. I don't know if she had another accident or if the rather aggressive buck in there did it. I never did get a litter out of her before I replaced her. She was just too accident prone. I was always treating her for something.
Aww! :cry: Poor little thing!

What an awful thing to find during your morning rounds. I'm sorry. ((Hugs))

The oddest for me so far has been a Beveren baby. The whole litter was so friendly that they would stand with their feet on the cage wire saying "Pet me! Pet me-e-e!!!"

One day I decided it was time to separate the boys into their own cages, so I opened the door and was crouching with one on my lap looking him over. Suddenly- Splat!- out fell a bunny (my favorite!) and broke his back from the fall. :( I think he thought the door was closed and fell straight out when he leaned forward to put his paws on it.
OneAcreFarm":2lyv92wx said:
My hubs bought me these books for my birthday last year, The Bunny funny and not far wrong. Rabbits can and will think of the most inventive ways to kill themselves... :shock:

I have that book. It was a hit in my classroom .
Who would ever have anticipated that a baby bunny would lick frozen metal and get stuck.
I had a Jersey wooly kit 2-3 days old that got a loop of fur and hay around its neck and I found it strangled at the bottom of the nest- very sad.

I can't believe there is a book called bunny suicides -- so funny I found a youtube slide show of it
I was thinking of making a book of 100 ways your bunny could die-- and including things like rocking chairs and gas from too much cabbage. I read a lot of other rabbit forums and it seems like a lot get injured from things like slamming doors and from getting stepped on. One persons rabbit kicked when they picked it up and broke its back- (that might have been on this forum). Seems like Bunnies are the opposite of cats, they don't have 9 lives, it seems they barely have 1 life.