How long should I wait?

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May 11, 2015
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I have a doe that was bred the day I got her - Either the 27th or 28th of April. I thought I saw some slow rolling movements and figured those were babies, but as of today, nothing. I know it's not an exact science... just curious how long others have waited before finally admitting defeat ;) .
Gestation is 28 to 35 days 31 is just the average. .I believe the record here on R.T. is 40 days...I have had does go 32 days.. don't count the day she was bred. Be patient they will keep you guessing. I have heard of many stories of people who have taken out the box, only to have kits on the wait at least 41 my opinion. .
I second the notion!

I had a doe that kindled 5 kits on day 31 for each of the two litters she gave me, but when I decided to re-home her, and bred her for the people before hand, she decided to throw them for a loop. She was very obviously bred, as she looked like a rolley polley, but she kept those knees together until day 37 and had a total of 9 kits that time! (Not bad for a 5# mini satin mix!). Don't give up hope yet.
Good deal... I was hoping that would be the answer :) . The only other two that I have had kindle did it by the book, on exactly the day the chart said they would ;) .
Slow rolling can just be the intestines working. I watch for the small, quick pokes to confirm she should have kits soon.
ilovehome":1r8flb6g said:
Slow rolling can just be the intestines working. I watch for the small, quick pokes to confirm she should have kits soon.

Yup... I've seen the slow rolling on a resting buck. It's NOT a sign of pregnancy (and not a sign of a miss either). In late pregnancy, you can feel the kits in there pretty easily, unless it's a very small litter. Sometimes you just don't know.

A portable ultrasound would be convenient. :p
Oh wow, that's some serious digestion! I'm wondering if it was a miss, which is a bummer b/c I think they would have been good sized rabbits for meat... plus some fresh breeders to replace the not so good ones I have. I haven't seen any other movements...