How long in the fridge is ok?

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 27, 2009
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North of Toronto
Well darn it! Finally we get really busy at work, which is a good thing, but I butchered three buns last Sunday, put them in the refrigerator and haven't been able to part them out, vac pack and freeze yet. They are in sealed rubbermaid containers so will they still be ok after six days in the fridge?
In my fridge..yes. but It generally freezes stuff. A lot depends on how cold your refrigerator is. I'd give the container a good whiff as soon as I opened it.

now...there are quite a few people who actually rot meat. Scrape off the blue/green outside, and then cook it. VERY tender. But you have to be sure to cook it thoroughly. NO RARE MEAT in that case.

me...I'd probably package it up and mark the packages "cook thoroughly" or something. I'm one of those that scrapes off the green :D
They should be just fine in your nice cold fridge. Any idea how old grocery store meat is before it goes on the shelf? I'd give it the sniff test and do as Ann suggests and mark the packages "cook thoroughly" just as a precaution. Lots of people purposely age their rabbit meat for five days.
I once aged some beef for 8 days on purpose. big steak. sat it up on an inverted triangle thingie so it would dry age. My GOD that was good beef.

Once did a roast for 10 days by mistake. wrapped. That was NOT a good thing to do. nope. :cool:'