How does this look - is he posed properly?

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Not quite right, but it isn't as easy to do as it looks. ;)

His rear feet are too far forward- the tips of his toes should be in line with his hip. His front leg needs to be flat on the table (he is fighting the pose and pushing up), and the front toes need to be in line with his eye.


Keep trying, Bug! Even if you can't get him to pose quite right, the more you practice with him the less he will fight you.
Good to know! I can't imagine trying to pose any of the rabbits I currrently have except for maybe one or two. I am sure it takes a lot of patience! ALthough, it looks as thought you are off to a good start :up:
Try for something like this:


Her rear toes actually look just a tad too far forward, but it may be the angle of the picture.
Much better!!! :p

Now see if you can scootch his rump further forward, with his rear feet closer to his elbows- maybe a 1/2" to 1" distance.

If he doesn't have the body type for it, he will fight being posed so compactly.