how do i expand my rabbitry

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golden rabbitry

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
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I have one doe and one buck and i want to expand my rabbitry. I have a shed/barn structure i keep the doe in and i'm not sure how to cause the business to grow. How do i get in local shows? Any tips? :bunnyhop:
If you're under 18 the best way to get into showing & breeding would be through 4-H or FFA ( ).

Otherwise, you'll probably just have to find a local show and go to it. They're open to the public. You can find shows near you here:
And then you'll probably have to email the show secretary to ask for the catalog (which says where it is and what the start time is). Once there you can watch the judging and try to find other breeders of your breed.
What do you mean by "cause the business to grow"? Do you want more breeding stock? Do you want to join more shows? Do you want more sales? I find it helps me to have a specific goal, and then I can come up with a plan to help me get there. Maybe share with us a bit more of what you are looking to achieve.
If you are looking for a guide line:
I found this online a while ago.... I'm not doing meat rabbits so much any more (although we do eat our culls)

Maybe this would help you with setting your "Business" goals for your rabbitry.
Personally I have found it a challenge NOT to grow... Bunnies make a lot more bunnies very quickly!! lol .... I run out of cage space quickly!
i mean like become more know if ya know. i want to make another shed and expand physickly but im not sure if i got the money. :bunnyhop:
Since you already have a pair, see if you can make enough money selling the 8 week old kits to feed the next batch.

Advertise on as many free classifies and social media sites as you can, but be VERY VERY careful to hide your location. I would work out a plan with your parents to meet potential buyers away from the home, as many bad things have happened to people who advertised online and brought strangers onto their property.
Mostly, animal theft, but worse things are possible.

Good photos are everything, people like to see happy, healthy rabbits with nice backdrops in adds.

When you can make more than you need to feed the kits, start saving the extra money for additions.
Zass gave great advice, but I would add one more to your parents and make sure they are on board with your plans. Also, they might have some ideas or advice.

Let us know what you come up with and how it goes.
acualy, my parrents saw that it was taking off and wanted to help me expand. we cam to the conclution that i should get a scond doe, but i ran out of cage space.
It is always going to cost money up front to get established. You have to have the rabbits to sell before you make money, know what I mean?

When I started, I started slow. Just two does and a buck. Let them make a bit of money, then expand a little. Rinse and repeat. Keep track of your expenses. Keep track of what sells well in your area.

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