How did I get so MANY?

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 21, 2009
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South Central Wisconsin
so....which one of you infiltrated my house and dumped more rabbits on me, eh? :shock:

I just did a head count and discovered that my nice little 3 does and 1 buck that I was DETERMINED to stick with, have turned into 15 adult does, 7 adult bucks, 4 three-month olds, 7 two month olds, 6 one month olds, and 7 newborns :x that's 44 rabbits..and one that's pregnant!

Criminy. No wonder I'm going through hay and grain like mad.

Well now. Who's going to go? Can't sell Mama or Peter. Can't sell the 3 angora colony does. Need one angora buck. hmmm. Don't want to sell the Americans nor the Beverens..those are my purebreds for showing and breeding..that leaves, um....4 junior AmerXBeveren, 7 American kits (wwwaaaahhh....don't WANNA sell my pretty blue babies!! :cry: ), and the Angora Popples are just...ADORABLE!! hmm...can't sell the 2 angora does on the porch, either. They're from Hobbes..the most wonderful loveable bunny in the world! (and they carry a double dose of broken black)

oh dear oh dear.
You sound like me. I went from a comfy 18 to 56 in no time. I am now back down to 22, so that isn't too bad. But then again, I have 6 does possibly bred. Sooooo....that number may jump considerably in the next few weeks.
Advanced case of rabbitosis. Prognosis is grim. There are remissions, but no known cure. Symptoms may be temporarily alleviated by the acquisition of additional lagomorphs, but rebound worsening of the primary infection may ensue.
MaggieJ":3a8xlwn0 said:
Advanced case of rabbitosis. Prognosis is grim. There are remissions, but no known cure. Symptoms may be temporarily alleviated by the acquisition of additional lagomorphs, but rebound worsening of the primary infection may ensue.

Yeah, that's about the size of it. Now if you would only write a note to my boss saying that I need to be out of work to recover for about 6-8 months I would be most appreciative. :D
No known cure? oh dear...hmmm. If I don't find a cure for it, and Mike figures out how many I actually have now, it will likely be TERMINAL in my case! :eek: Or's a thought....

Anyone want to buy a slightly used Spousal Unit? :razz:

(I wonder if I can sneak the new REW French Angora buck into the porch area when I pick him up?....)
Driven by desperation to conceal the extent of the affliction, victims of rabbitosis have been known to resort to hiding bunnies under beds or in closets and, upon discovery, making excuses such as "I'm just babysitting those for so and so."

Denial of the problem is extremely common and confrontation, however gentle, is likely to be met with severe hostility. It is not unknown for rabbitosis to have a detrimental effect on spousal relationships. People in close association with victims of this disease are urged to seek professional help in understanding this debilitating and loathsome disease.

At all times it is vital to remember that this is an illness and that victims should not be condemned for their behaviour.

At the present time, there are no 12-step programs available to assist victims and their families, but it is the opinion of most health care professionals that this approach offers the greatest hope of a control for this disease.
LOL!!! I think the only reason DH didn't freak out about our new Rex buck when he came home for Christmas is that we had sold four of our Cal offspring and sent the four Cal-Zil crosses and the mini-lop cross to freezer camp, so we were DOWN a net of 8 bunnies from when he left. Now, if I can just sell the other four Cal offspring, maybe he won't freak about the Rex doe we have on reserve. . . (Said Cal offspring will go to freezer camp if they're not sold by April.)

I haven't told him yet about wanting chickens and Kinder goats after we move. . . Shhhhh. . . :mrgreen: :roll:

..... or ...erp ... perhaps I should do a head count myself .. we are a one rabbit family - living with
one large neutered NZW looking for a home, one EA buck, 8 jw and one angora of some sort doe with 8 popples ... I think that adds up to 19 ....
Oh geez, Maggie. That sounds like a serious PSA! I am guilty as charged. Luckily all my rabbits look alike and the SO can't really tell when I add one, he just notices after I accumulate SEVERAL more.
Yeah, it's pretty easy to make rabbitosis sound a lot worse than it is. I'm just envious. For some reason, although I like my rabbits and enjoy having them, I have no desire to add to the crew more than is necessary. I could be tempted by a really nice harlequin standard rex, but a pair would be quite sufficient. :shrug:
MaggieJ":3mridfro said:
Yeah, it's pretty easy to make rabbitosis sound a lot worse than it is. I'm just envious. For some reason, although I like my rabbits and enjoy having them, I have no desire to add to the crew more than is necessary. I could be tempted by a really nice harlequin standard rex, but a pair would be quite sufficient. :shrug:

Oh, I'm so totally with you on that one! I don't need or want MORE (Ok, another trio of Silver Fox would be nice, but something else would have to go.) I just want a good rotation. Taking care of bunnies when it's -10 is pretty much enough to cure anyone of rabbitosis! I keep telling myself I have a two litter limit out of any rabbit. After that, it goes away, one way or another.

Progress is what I'm aiming for.... If I were just filling the freezer it would be so much easier!
MaggieJ":3ncameht said:
At the present time, there are no 12-step programs available to assist victims and their families, but it is the opinion of most health care professionals that this approach offers the greatest hope of a control for this disease.

As a victim of rabbitosis(and namer of the condition)I CAN assure all, there IS a cure--GET EVERY ONE ELSE INFECTED!!! The more peole that are infected, the more acceptable the cndition. Therefore, not a problem..... :p
Psst. Hey... Terry... I think you're on to something. Twitch. Twitch.
I currently have 36 Adult rabbits. Two litters of 3, and several does bred.

It's hard to believe it all started with one rabbit 9 years ago who within 2 weeks of owning her mysteriously transformed into 4 rabbits.
well, I have found the most effective way of getting a HUGE, superlarge litter, is to NOT want it, have a oops moment with two down and your back turned, or just randomly throw two together cause 'she won't anyways'

Damn rabbits, the only thing the like more than carrots and breeding, is making a liar of you