Holland Lop Bucks not hitting the spot

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Jan 1, 2015
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Hi, this is my first time posting.

We have a small number of rabbits, BEW, VM and VC Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs, and Mini Rex. The mini rex breed and kindle beautifully and very reliably.

Our Holland Lops--not so much. We have two HL with the dwarf gene and one full-size. All 3 are between 7 and 8 months of age.

We have 3 HL senior does, and two that just hit 6 months.

The problem seems to be that the bucks' sperm ends up on the does' tails or hindquarters. We have been trying to get a litter for 3 months now, and finally got *one* litter of 3 kits out of one of the does. With that one, there was enough sperm on her back fur after one attempted breeding for me to remove it with a q-tip and place it in the right spot.

Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how do you address it? We have a waiting list of people eager to purchase these bunnies for $100 to $200 apiece depending on markings, and would love to have more than one a month (on average) to sell...

Thank you!
Michelle in Texas
Yes, I have had the chance to see each of the bucks after they mate, before they are fully retracted again.. All of three bucks are normal down there.
I doubt you'd be able to notice a split penis by watching from afar - you need to retract the organ and inspect the tip and underside to see where the urethra exits.
Okay, I will check all three for split penis.

After reading other recent posts, I'm wondering if the issue is that they were first too young to be fertile (we started breeding when the bucks were 5 months), and then the days got too short...
michellis":39pvoqxn said:
Okay, I will check all three for split penis.

After reading other recent posts, I'm wondering if the issue is that they were first too young to be fertile (we started breeding when the bucks were 5 months), and then the days got too short...
neither of these would cause ejaculate to be deposited on the does back.

Perhaps they are too young and "missed" but I have never had a buck, young or old, do what you described in your first post.
I have only ever seen one buck actually ejaculate when he wasn't in the right place, so that is very odd behavior.

Are the does lifting for him and he still misses, or is he just too far forward? You may need to reposition him until he hits the right spot a couple of times, and then he should get the right idea.
I'm wondering about split p too, I have a young buck who always humps high and can make a doe wet above her tail but it isn't like he is ejaculating. Are the does lifting at all?

Side note: While we were sorting a cages, I picked up a young angora buck who wouldn't stop humping his brother, buck finished as I picked him up and I had to change my jeans and wash the floor, eeeeew.
Checked all three males; all look quite normal to me. But while I was examining one, I discovered that he has developed an underbite and one of his lower incisors has grown too long. I'll be able to file it down, but I will have to remove him from our breeding program, sadly. He is a beautiful blue-eyed white Holland Lop with perfect form--except for the underbite.

MamaSheepdog--I'm rather new at this, so maybe the bucks aren't ejaculating? They consistently get the does wet above the tail, though only once was it enough for me to collect on a q-tip and place on the doe's vent.

I'll try to reposition them.

Also, I don't see the does lifting, ever, even when their vents are quite red. It's possible I don't know what to look for though.
michellis":1q0qg6pz said:
I discovered that he has developed an underbite and one of his lower incisors has grown too long. I'll be able to file it down

Just snip it with wire cutters or dog nail trimmers. It is quick and easy and will be less stressful for him. :)

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