Holland Lop breeding issues (birth issues)

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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We have a beautiful Holland Lop doe (unknown age) that we got this summer. We have bred her 3 times and each time she only has ONE kit and it either dies immediately or she eats part of it (and then it dies).

She makes a beautiful hair fill nest, and we know that this spring she had 5 babies that grew up fine (we actually saw her and the babies).

What now would make her have only ONE kit??? Isn’t that extremely odd? Each time we bred her we had 3 to 5 successful covers.

I really don’t want to get rid of her (rehome her), and we definitely won’t cull her. I wish there was something we could do to have a successful litter like she did this spring before we got her.

I've heard of a "bacon" trick to keep them from eating the kits, but never tried it. Think that would have helped?

Any idea on reasons for only 1 kit and it dying or suggestions?
Thank you! <br /><br /> -- Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:06 am -- <br /><br /> Still waiting for some thoughts or replies from the experts here.

Only 1 kit per time seems really weird.

Thank you.
Not an expert, but was she bred to the same buck each time? Has he been with other does and produced more kits? You might have to be sure it's your doe first. Just my thoughts.
Marinea":dnqgqxuy said:
Not an expert, but was she bred to the same buck each time? Has he been with other does and produced more kits? You might have to be sure it's your doe first. Just my thoughts.

Great questions.......... No we used 1 buck for #1 (4 covers) and #2 (5 covers), then a different buck for #3 (6 covers). Both bucks have had successful litters with OTHER does, so we ruled out it being the bucks.

It's just crazy that each time she would only have 1 kit!!!!! I've never heard of that.
Well, now you know it's the doe. New questions- is she overweight? You said her age is unknown, it could be that.

Weight can be addressed. Age, of course, can't. Maybe others will chime in with more ideas.
Marinea":y73n7iaw said:
Well, now you know it's the doe. New questions- is she overweight? You said her age is unknown, it could be that.

Weight can be addressed. Age, of course, can't. Maybe others will chime in with more ideas.

Perfect weight. Only 1-1/2 year old is our best guess from the person we got her from.
Not uncommon in some dwarf breeds, but it's a trait you probably don't want if you plan to start a breeding program. Even with the dwarfs, I ha a set number of kits per litter each needed to have or I would remove them from the program to pet homes. For me, she is clearly removing herself from the gene pool.

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