Hijacking a litter

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2014
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Well, I thought I seen it all in my colony. But, I guess not. Just came back from the fair and boy what fun that was! :D told myself I wasn't going to get anymore rabbits and didn't take my purse so that I couldn't, but what do you know my boyfriend got a little blue flemish giant doeling and 2 game chickens (more on that later) anyway I came back, saw a doe had pulled a little fur and went to check to see if there where kits. Well, there was but not where I was expecting; this doe had birther her own litter in another does nest of 5 day old kits!! so now everyone in this litter is getting double the milk and it shows! most of the kits are twice the size! the other mother the the litter already in the nest doesn't seem to mind that there are 3 extra kits in her litter...

didn't know that rabbits would do that...huh...

Back when we had our accidental litters, I ended up with a mother and daughter sharing a nestbox. No idea which popples were whose. The litters were born two days apart. It worked out great. :)
Cool! Lucky babies LOL
When I was growing up my younger siblings used to play with the rabbits in the barn and get them all mixed up (they went from 4 to 64 between May and October!). My mother found two does in one cage one day, and a litter of kits. She removed one doe, assuming the other was the mother... Nope. The doe she left in there had her own kits a week later! She managed to nurse and care for the original kits before hers were born and then raised them all!
I am glad you shared this! I've always wondered if they would. I used to have colony housing and.... there was a massacre. :weep: So, I've been afraid to allow anyone together when they kindle.

Good for you that it worked!

Oh, and we had two cats with litters at the same time and it was ADORABLE to watch the mama with less kittens steal away with one from the other litter. So CUTE!
Zinnia":5ojp8k2r said:
Oh, and we had two cats with litters at the same time and it was ADORABLE to watch the mama with less kittens steal away with one from the other litter. So CUTE!
:rotfl: That's adorable just to think about! :p

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