Hi, breed check pretty pls

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Oct 5, 2021
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Hi and thx for the help!

The two black and whites were sold to me as flemish giants. As far as I can tell moody looks like a checkered giant and ash looks maybe like a harlequin magpie? But that's completely separate from a glemish giant right?

And cinnabun is supposed to be a mini lop. I'm new to rabbit breeds so any help is appreciated.
I am not a expect at rabbit breeds but cinnabun is a lop for sure. she is probably not a English lop since they have really long ears … she probably is a mini lop. Is ashie the size of moody because harlequins are a smaller breed (I think). If he is the the size of moody then he is not a harlequin.

I hope it helps.
That does help. Ash is almost the same size as moody. Is it possible they're just flemish giants that are colored that way?
No, Flemish Giant rabbits don't have the broken gene (which is Moody is displaying) nor do they have the harlequin gene (which is what Ashie is showing by being magpie).

Moody actually gives me more of a New Zealand mix vibe, and FG/NZ mixes are pretty common a cross. (NZ also doesn't have the harlequin gene in their breed so something else is in Ashie, possibly Rex). Though neither one really gives me a FG vibe at all, their ears are awfully standard imo.

Beautiful buns though! That's a bummer they're not what they were sold to you as 😔

Oh, and Moody appears to be a silver tipped black steel, just for additional info on coat color. 🙂
Thank you so much for the info, that helps so much. Idc that they're not FG, they were in a really bad situation and I just wanted them out. I was just curious because I'm thinking about doing meat rabbits and idk if they're the best for that but sounds like at least moody is. Hes 12 lbs and if hes not full FG then he might be better for a breeder buck. And they're probably not related either then so that's good.

Thx so much.
How much does Cinnabun weigh? Possibly there's French Lop in him if he's larger. Probably not English Lop since their ears are massively long, and probably not a Holland Lop since they're smaller in size and the ears are a bit stouter.

ETA: Sorry, I misread the initial post. It's possible that he's a Mini Lop, but maybe a mix. The ears don't look quite right to me. If he's over 10 pounds, probably French. If he's closer to 6lbs, probably Mini.

ETA: Whoops I just misunderstood everything! Sorry, just ignore me lol
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I haven't weighed cinna but hes much smaller. I'm pretty sure hes mini lop. I was more wondering what his color is. He didnt come from the same people as the two bigger buns so I got more info.

I was wondering too if breeding him with ash would make good meat rabbits with lop ears or if it wouldnt work. But that might be a different post lol
moody looks like a New Zealand, though his coloring is odd. It could be a bad broken black, but it almost looks ticked which is not a verity for that breed so he could be mixed. judging from head and ear shape Ashie looks to be harlequin or at least partial. Cinnobun again judging from head and ear shape does look to be a mini lop I'm not sure what color because he's fur looks damaged maybe blue or lilac but don't take my word for it.

hope this helps. I can looks at my standard later today to give you specifics on those breeds if you'd like :)
I was wondering too if breeding him with ash would make good meat rabbits with lop ears or if it wouldnt work. But that might be a different post lol

I use my meat rabbits for my dogs. I have some French Lop mixed in my mutts so I get longer ears and dehydrate them for treats! Can't say how the carcass of a Mini Lop mutt would be but we love the long lop ears here :)
@sassafrasshat that's exactly what I was thinking too. My pups would love some bun ear chews. I'm hoping I can make a mix with mostly my big buns but sneak in the lop ears somehow lol

@jaxmarblebuns thx I appreciate it! What do you mean about cinnas fur being damaged?
@sassafrasshat that's exactly what I was thinking too. My pups would love some bun ear chews. I'm hoping I can make a mix with mostly my big buns but sneak in the lop ears somehow lol

@jaxmarblebuns thx I appreciate it! What do you mean about cinnas fur being damaged?
it looks like its sun burned or has urine damage mostly on his sides
Oh is it the lighter spot like on his belly kinda? Sorry, I cant see that stuff yet lol

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