help with some plant ID please! pic heavy!

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Nov 5, 2011
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just walked around the overgrown 'past the barn' area taking pics. some things I know but want to double check and a bunch I don't know. I titled them with what I think they are. if any are wrong let me know!

__________ Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:39 pm __________


__________ Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:48 pm __________

mystery plant 4 I have a sneaking suspicion is in the nightshade family. soon it will flower and it grows a small hard, green tomato looking pod about the size of my thumb nail. I couldn't find a pic online to coincide with it exactly. closest I could find was one from Africa that the reading all said was spread around Africa and to island places and saod nothing about being in the USA at all. plus the difference is the pics of that have thorns down the middle of the leaves, whereas the plants here are nearly identical but no thorns on the stem of the tops of the leaves. the edges of the leaves are like nettles though and it has tons of thorns.

__________ Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:51 pm __________

only one pic after this lol <br /><br /> __________ Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:52 pm __________ <br /><br /> last one!


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The one you have ID's as pigweed looks more like dock to me. How big are the seeds?

I also don't think that the one you have as poison sumac is poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix). Poison sumac leaves are opposite down the stem.
Last one: Sorry no idea
Queen Anne's Lace I think your right so long as the flower has the blood drop in it.
Mystery plant #4 could be Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense)
Mystery plant #3 could be henbit (Lamium amplexicaule L) or purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum, L)
Mystery plant #2 I can't see enough of the leaves and flowers to try to ID it
Mystery plant #1 sorry can't help
Can't help with the grasses either...
thanks. been doing searches now and was stuck between deadnettle and henbit too. although could be both growing here. will have to get more up close pics of them.

just found this on telling QAL from water hemlock, which is quite poisonous:

It is! Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) is an exact match! Ugh and it is in the nightshade family ): This is quite common in the hay fields here and I think this is the cause of my mystery deaths in my past rabbits! :mad:

Oh and I know theres more than plenty of burdock here. but that seed stalk is different.. and you get all the cursed burrs! this stuff is usually knee to hip height stalks on me with a few, like this one, standing up about chest height. theres some green from this year and some looks like dry and dead from last year.
From the top (the pics seem to have moved out of their original order):

The first pic is teasel.

The plant in the second image is Yarrow.
Achillea millefolium

Then two pics that look like queen annes lace
Daucus carota

Then a plant that looks like some type of ragweed, ambrosia, of which there are myriad species

The one after that, check for thorns, if it has thorns, it's something I'd generically call a bramble without bothering to ID species. Closely related to rose or blackberry, and edible to rabbits.

After that, I think I see 2 pics of some type of dock. (yellow or curly dock?)

And then 3 pics of something in the nightshade family, I agree it's probably horse nettle.

The square stemmed, purple flowered mystery plant 3 looks to be a member of the mint(alternately deadnettle) family, Lamiaceae. Sorry it's so vague, I can't tell exact species from the pic.

After that are yellow pea-like flowers? Looks like a legume. Even if I can't really help with exact ID I hope to be able to point you in the right direction. :blush:

The plant after that I have no idea, and the same for the grasses and that last one.
ok did a search.. yes on the curly dock! is this rabbit edible?

teasel! I knew I didn't think thistle was right! I read once that natives used the heads of it to brush the horses. gonna guess not rabbit edible.. lol or rather I wont be picking it for them! ;)

urgh now to decide whats yarrow and whats QAL /: lol Although its weird because the reading says QAL is 1-3ft tall, flower is close, flower has red spot in center.. And that water hemlock is up to 8ft or something, has spread looking flower (like QAL but into several smaller ones atop the stalk, not one bunched flower), and no red spot. but the QAL here there is tons of it that's chest to head height and taller on me! easily 4-6ft that I have seen. weird.
MaggieJ told me the entirety of a proper QAL plant smells very carroty when bruised. I myself know hemlock in any variety smells nasty, almost like pee, and yarrow smells strongly floral. That might help ID, but be careful if you aren't sure. Hope this helps - at work on phone, sorry for short post!
yes on the curly dock! is this rabbit edible?

Some say yes on the dock and some say no. I have feed mine curly dock in moderation without any ill effects. I have been told to avoid it after it flowers/seeds.

Cornell lists it as poisonous. ... &keynum=75

However, Virginia Tech lists it as a possible livestock feed with crude protein higher than alfalfa.

:shrug: It will have to be your call.
I also feed rumex (dock) with no apparent ill effects, but avoid it too late when it's gone to seed too. Mine go mad for it, they prefer it to almost everything else I pick for them bar dandelions, but there's never more than a leaf each available so they can't eat loads of it even if they wanted to.
Mystery plant #3 looks like Downy Wood Mint, Blephilia sp.

Mystery plant #1 almost looks like Tall Ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) or something similar. You'll have to see it in bloom.
the reluctant farmer":jsnq0m7x said:
myrkari":jsnq0m7x said:
MaggieJ told me the entirety of a proper QAL plant smells very carroty when bruised
. It definitely does. Pick a leaf bracket and yo will easily smell the difference. (Snap a carrot in half and smell--that's the scent you are looking for.)

Yep. The root will be white and tough instead of orange like a domestic carrot, but the smell is identical.
In the pic labeled "types of grass 1" the one in the middle is timothy grass- a definite food for the bunnies!

The second pic is most definitely yarrow. Once you get to know it, you'll find it very easy to identify. I don't think it smells floral, myself... it has a minty/sagey/astringent smell. It doesn't taste good to me, (intensely bitter) but it is a powerful herb, medicinally. And it is edible in small quantities to adult rabbits. Mine LOVE yarrow. The leaf of the yarrow, to me, is like a feather crossed with a fern. It's a single thick stalk down the middle with miniature leaflets running the length - no branching- and a tapering point. Once you get to know it, you'll be spotting it everywhere and easily identifying it.

The one labeled poison sumac... looks identical to my wild blackberry bush. Leaves arranged in a neat little cluster of 5, with the center leaf being the largest. Thorns, even on the back side of each leaf. Don't take our word for it, definitely do a bit of research. But if it is, it's most definitely rabbit safe (you'll need gloves to collect it, though!) It's a favorite, and great for nursing does. Plus, when it has berries, those are edible and delicious. I think it will only make berries on the previous year's growth, though... so if it's all brand new and green, you might not see berries this year. But if you leave it be, it will turn brown and next year it will flower and make berries.
with queen anne's lace, don't feed the flower heads when starting to dry or are actually dry. NOT good for bunnies. I just keep cutting mine down to the base and they will regrow all summer. Come end of August I stop harvesting and allow to go to seed to propagate for next year. :)

The seventh picture down looks like I plant I've been told to apparently can kill horses... and rabbit/horse digestion is quite similar.

seventh plant from bottom my rabbits simply won't eat so I just toss it on the lawn to be mowed up whenever I see it.

the three grasses (second from bottom) I feed to my rabbits with no ill effects.. one in the middle is timothy and I try to cultivate that. The others the rabbits devour regardless usually starting with the seed head. same with the other grasses pictured. :)