Help with ID'ing color of kits

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Pipe Dreaming

Jun 16, 2014
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Hello - my Holland had 4 kits Saturday. One broken black and what I thought was 1 opal (I've since learned from reading opals have pink bellies and inside of ears) - but this kit is completely solid gray/silvery blue.. maybe it'll be a lilac or blue? And 2 of the kits are much lighter and appeared at first to be solid - but looking closely - their bellies are just slight shade pinker than their backs and heads. I'm guessing creams.. but I really don't know.




I will update this thread in a few days to see any changes in color.
It is too early to tell from picures and knowing the colour of the parents (or posting pictures :D ) will help narrow it down a bit.

Shaded (siamese sable, sable point etc..)is also a possibly for the smokey coloured kits
Ok, I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to learning colors. I will post pictures when their fur comes in. :)

Doe is opal and I think the buck is a broken tort. (someone correct me if I'm wrong.)




Humm... interesting.

Statistically some of the kits should be agouti based (chestnut, opal etc...) but I don't see any in this litter and you also should have gotten some brokens. Ah well, genetics rarely comes out evenly in every litter :D

Shaded is still a possibility and once they fur up a bit more it will be easier to tell from pictures.
Well I did get this pretty little broken...



Can't wait until their fur comes in and then we'll get a better idea.. :) <br /><br /> __________ Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:06 pm __________ <br /><br /> Update.. Dad is out of a blue and broken black.
Took new pics today also.

2014-06-18 18.45.20.jpg

2014-06-18 18.46.18.jpg

Any thoughts on the dark silver one or the light tan ones?
Thanks! The only one I guessed correctly was the blue. I thought the fawns were creams... and I began to doubt the broken as a black today when I saw the brown fur coming in near the eyes, but didn't know what color it was.
Thanks again for the input!
Your welcome ;)

The fawns could be creams (AKA blue fawn) but it is too early to tell. If they have a light eye colour or stay a smokey yellow they are likely cream
Those bunnies are super mega extremely adorable!!! I just love baby bunnies :D i just had 2 litters born in the last 2 days... theyre both mini rex though... i cant wait til they get their fur :D
Here's an update on the kits. I am wondering if the fawn colored kits are Orange or Cream or Fawn??? What do I call them?


kitorangebuck1 (Copy).jpg

kit (Copy).jpg
Not sure in the HL world, but with my elops if they have blue eyes, I put cream on the pedigree. If they have brown eyes, but are fairly light I put fawn. If they are brown eyed with a deep fawn/orange color, they are oranges. If I breed them to a dilute and they throw non-dilutes, I make sure their pedigree says orange to remind me and buyers they can produce non-dilutes.

The "fawn" colour (genetically - A_ B_ C_D_ ee) range from bright orange to a pale cream with just a hint of orange.

Orange is just a fawn with extra Rufus factors making it darker than a fawn.

Cream is a blue/dilute fawn in most breeds (genetically - A_ B_ C_ dd ee) and I don't think these two are - blue fawns do tend to have a greyish eye (but not always) and have a smokey overcast due to the dilution of black pigment in their fur. Because they have a blue sibling it is possible they are creams but only test breeding will give a definitive answer, and this doe and buck could produce creams in future litters.
Thanks dood! I do plan on keeping one of them (going to evaluate them seriously closer to 5 weeks).

When you refer to test breeding them, can you explain the different scenarios? As in, if I bred them to a ____ and I got ____ then they are fawn/creams for sure?
If you bred to a blue based rabbit and got ALL blues or creams then the kit is a cream any other breeding that creates blues just means both parents are carriers of the dilute gene..

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