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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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HELP PLEASE! i have a dutch rabbit that was born on march 15, 2012. yesterday i saw that his eye looked like he had gotten another rabbits foot to his eye and scratched his eyelid. his eye looked fine though. well today his eye was all gooped up like he had really bad nest eye in that eye. it is completely shut andpretty much dried with goop stuff. water has not been helpin yet. is there anything else i can try? please any suggestions will be welcome!!!<br /><br />__________ Thu May 03, 2012 10:47 am __________<br /><br />i just had someone suggest warm, damp tea bags as a compress. so i will try that.
also had a suggestion of boric acid solution? i'm not familiar with this... anyone tell me about it?
The tea bags should soften the discharge up enough that you can gently wipe it away. Your feed store should have eye ointment- make sure it does not contain steroids as they inhibit healing.
Warm tea is very soothing and should help, as MamaSheepdog has said. It sounds like the wound to the eyelid got infected, which is not so surprising if it was inflicted by a rabbit's foot.
i'm cleanin his eye with the tea and water. the eye keeps gettin all goopy again though :/ i hope he heals fine because he is goin to some girls for 4H if he heals good... plus i'd feel bad if it got bad and there was somethin else i could have done. i wish i would have cleaned it right away when i noticed it.
Hindsight is always 20/20. This is why raising rabbits is ALWAYS a learning don;t be kicking yourself. The 'goop' is it coming fro the injury, or is it the whitish stuff that eyes develop as a way of protecting the eye from irritants? Flush the eye itself with a saline solution- letting it run form the outer corner of the eye to the inner one-- to help remove any irritants that may have made their way under the eyelid.

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