Help! Rabbit With A Suspected Dislocated Toe

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Silver Willow

Well-known member
May 1, 2013
Reaction score
South island, New zealand
My younger sister went out a few minutes ago to give her pet rabbit (very ingeniously named 'Peter') a cuddle, and she discovered the poor little guys first ever injury:

Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 7.20.46 pm.png

I've had a careful feel around, and I think it's dislocated. Does anyone have any ideas on what we can do, if there is anything that can be done? If our only real option is to dispatch him, then we can do that. I just thought I would ask here first.

Any answers appreciated!
I broken or dislocated toe isn't all that painful and I wouldn't cull a rabbit for having such an injury- I've broken several of toes over the years :) and most of the dogs I've owned have done so at one point or another during their agility careers.

This actually looks broken to me and has already healed rather crooked. If is just a trick of the camera and the toe is still movable then pull it straight and let it heal. I'd limit activity for at least a month so a smaller cage, preferably with a solid bottom. If a wire floor is the only option make sure that the toe cannot get caught up between spacings and get dislocated/broken again.
Yep, I agree with Dood! :)

If you trim nails frequently, like once a week or so, and trim them as close to the quick as you can, you can get the quick to recede and you can clip the nails shorter and shorter. It would help lessen the chances that he would get another toe caught. For such dark nails, use a strong flashlight to shine through the nail.

Hope he heals up well! :clover:
Ok, thank you both :)

That's what has been confusing me though, as when I was feeling around it yesterday I did try to move it a little. It seems stuck fast in that same position. And surely it would not have healed already if it were broken, as he only did it about an hour at most before my sister went out there. (also, no animals or people have had any broken bones etc., so this probably doesn't help)

I am also rather confused as to how he possibly could have injured himself like that, because he is living in a fairly large run with no wire on the bottom for his paws/claws to get caught in. The only thing I can think of is the possibility that he somehow got a bit stuck on his way jumping down from the little house he has in there :/
Well... never dealt with a broken rabbit toe, but I have broken 9 of my toes, dislocated 2, and yeah.. it's a pain in the butt. Dislocation is a little sore at first but not terrible. A break can definitely hurt when there's weight on it... the worst was a pinky toe, apparently that does a ton more work that we think of. lol. There's not a whole lot that can be done unless it's broken high up in the foot and then it can be booted. Otherwise it's a tape it to the other toes and try to stay off it situation. I stopped bothering with x-rays years ago cause getting a nice big bill and a little piece of tape is ridiculous.

I'd see if you can get it in line with the other toes. It may be swelling that's holding it where it is cause it definitely didn't heal that quickly. See if you can get it back down in the next day or so. I don't know if a rabbit would leave a piece of sports tape on there, but it would help support it if it's possible to tape it to the other toes. He'll probably limit his own activity some if it hurts, but if you can make his space smaller that would help.