Help! Rabbit nest in my garden

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Well, here are two of them. Look how much they've grown! Sorry for the fuzzy picture, the man doesn't have a good grasp of his camera phone operation.


All five are fat and healthy and wiggly. And my garden is showing only minor damage so far...
I know I'm not supposed to bother them, but I've been handling them once a day when I check on the nest. I guess that puts the "don't touch or mom will abandon them" myth to rest for once and for all.

Oh, and the sad broccoli plant is still alive. Still sad, but there!
MaggieJ":10zrohb0 said:
Those little guys are almost ready to be independent. Mom may let them nurse for a bit longer, but they'll be hopping around sampling all the yummy weeds before you know it. :)

The problem with that is the yummy weeds are further away than the even yummier veggies!! I have a feeling they will go after the good stuff that is literally right outside their nest before they even make it to the ground where the weeds are :)
dragonjaze":hd0n2cdn said:
The problem with that is the yummy weeds are further away than the even yummier veggies!! I have a feeling they will go after the good stuff that is literally right outside their nest before they even make it to the ground where the weeds are :)

We-e-ell, if the bunnies wont go to the weeds, bring the weeds to the bunnies! I don't know how you are going to have a garden and tame wild rabbits, but I am looking forward to seeing the story unfold! :popcorn:
Give up or transplant all of the broccoli and wall it off from there. Momma rabbit and kits get the half with no plants. Smart idea that umbrella, at least for a week or two. Your peas may even like growing up the temporary fence. Oops missed page two. They are cute and you have wonderful bunnies instead of least this year.
I wonder what kind of rabbit's they are? They almost look like Rex but I have no idea.
I think you should raise them for meat the mother will not come back I figure. They don't
really like another smell on there baby's other than there own. I wonder what they will
taste like!?!?! You should raise them up and see!
Nice to see you here, QueenPup! We've heard a lot about you from MamaSheepdog. :D

Actually, human scent on baby rabbits will not make the mother rabbit abandoned them. I'm not sure how that idea got started.
Miss M":18psjos0 said:
Should just be garden-variety cottontails, I believe, Queenpup!

(pun intended there :mrgreen: )

:groooan:<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:24 am __________<br /><br />
Queenpup":18psjos0 said:
I wonder what kind of rabbit's they are? They almost look like Rex but I have no idea.
I think you should raise them for meat the mother will not come back I figure. They don't
really like another smell on there baby's other than there own. I wonder what they will
taste like!?!?! You should raise them up and see!

Hey, Queenpup! Great to see you on here! I am looking forward to meeting you in person in July! :cheesysmile:
Miss M":sv11mtw6 said:
Should just be garden-variety cottontails, I believe, Queenpup!
(pun intended there )
The threads I find, when I start searching for keywords. Love this!
MaggieJ":1a2xq0xm said:
Actually, human scent on baby rabbits will not make the mother rabbit abandoned them. I'm not sure how that idea got started.

Most likely from human mothers who want their kids to leave the wildlife alone! It's in the same category as "Don't slam the door or the [cake|bread|whatever's in the oven] will fall."


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