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Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
United States
I am currently raising an FFA project and have a show in two weeks, and need some advice. The meat rabbits must not exceed 5 lbs. and already weigh around 4 lbs. 4 ounces. what is a nutritional way to cut back on their feed and still have them only gaining around an ounce a day instead of the normal 2???? I would appreciate any advice, thank you!!! :eek:
I would go with what all the other posters have said.
You might want to cut the pelleted feed a bit more
and add copious amounts of Grass-hay [No Alfalfa]
the oats should put on firm flesh but not add much fat,
the hulls are fiber.
I would stop "free-choice" feeding including hay. Feed them a maintenance diet like you would on open does. If they still go over or "on the line" don't let them drink water the day before the show and hope they all do a big pee before they get to the judge lol! Its amazing how much feed remains in a rabbits stomach even after 24 hours.

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