I just had my new doe in and she seemed to have peed on me. At first I was ok, but then it started to turn orange....is it normal? Its doesnt look like blood but it is orange
Perfectly normal. Rabbit urine can be a variety of colours: yellow, red, orange. I've even seen blue/green/purple urine stains in the snow from wild cottontails. It is nothing to worry about.
In future, please do not use a vague subject line like "Help!" Your subject should include some indication of the nature of your question. I have edited for you this time.
Came home one day to an apparent chain-saw murder in the rabbitry. We had visqueen up because it was winter, and it's some 5 - 6 feet from the nearest rabbit.
We were freaking out, trying to figure out where all the blood had come from. We finally realized it was on the inside of the visqueen, not the outside, and further investigation pinned the blame on Pharaoh, our buck, who had decided to spray for once. With blood-red pee. Thankfully, it's not a habit of his. :?