help! kindling going wrong, a week early! ***URGENT!!!***

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Jul 27, 2012
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York, PA
I came out to hold and check on my doe Carli, who is due on the 10th. I turned her upside down to check her butt cause it felt a little damp when I picked her up, and I think shes aborting a kit, but I don't know!!! There is something coming out of her, and I have no idea what, why, or what to do. So here is the picture I was able to get, someone help please!! Oh, and I stuck in a nest box and shes just sitting eating the straw I put in.

__________ Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:18 pm __________

Darn it, i'm starting to think prolapse. Is there any way I can treat it and have a chancd at her having this litter or is that impossible?


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I wish I could help, but no idea what you should do. :(

If she is busy eating straw, she can't be in too much distress at the moment. I hope someone with experience of this will see this and offer advice.

I've marked your title URGENT!!! in hopes it attracts more attention.
If it is a prolapsed uterus, you can try to reinsert it. Apply lubricant to your finger and gently push it back in.

The problem is, it will likely come back out when she is in labor- usually prolapses occur during/after birth, and the vulva is held closed by a couple of sutures.

I doubt the prognosis is good. :( If you will be able to monitor her until and when she gives birth, you can try. But I think it might be kindest to cull her to prevent suffering.
My older doe proplapsed a while back, it was all over the arba page when i asked for help.
I managed to push it back in completely, 5 or more times but it would come back out again, there was nothing i could do.
She was put to sleep by the vet.

You need to find a way to stop her contractions, that makes the uterus come out again.

I feel bad for the kits that are almost ready to be born.. :(
Alright, well since she doesn't seem in distress I'm gunna try. What is safe to use as lubricant?
DarayTala":15nzbvqj said:
Alright, well since she doesn't seem in distress I'm gunna try. What is safe to use as lubricant?

You can use olive oil, vegetable oil, or K-Y jelly.
Thank you so much. Im hoping I can get her through delivering the kits, as unlikely as that is, and then retire her if it will stay in and she has good quality of life. I will put her down if she is suffering though, even if it means losing the kits, I really don't want to cause her pain by keeping her alive.
I understand.

I hope you will have a good outcome. It would be very sad to lose her and the kits. :(

As long as there is life, there is hope, right? :) Good luck! :clover:
If the prolapse keeps happening especially with kindling you could have her spayed and kept as a pet or sent to a pet home. Just depends how much you like the doe. Odds are though if she's prolapsing now she's doing to do so severely when she kindles. I had one that both uterine horns came out during kindling and we did put her down because she had lost so much blood by the time we found her. She went in to shock in the 5mins it took to drive to the vet since I didn't have a gun yet and don't trust my ability to broomstick so I paid the vet to put her down. Should have bought the pellet rifle sooner because having the vet pts cost almost double but I didn't expect to have to put down a rabbit that early in to owning them. If we'd caught when she was giving birth we probably could have at least saved her life with an emergency spay which wouldn't have cost much more than they charged for pts. I don't know if she would have produced milk and fed the kits after that though so we still probably would have lost them.
Nothing additional to add, good advice given. Cattle who prolapse tend to do so again and are sent off for meat. I imagine a rabbit who is subject to prolapse will do so again as well.

Something to consider.... if she does prolapse while having youngsters you could kill her quickly, cut her open and potentially rescue the babies... mind...this is only worth trying if you have a doe you can foster them to.
Well, I tried and it wouldn't really go back inside. I did my best. Shes still eating and drinking and acting normal. Anyone have a video on fixing prolapse? Even in some other animal? Maybe I did it wrong or something.
I'm sorry your going through this DarayTala. If it won't slip back in easily, it would probably be best to take her to the vet. It may have become to swollen and won't fit back into place the way it is. :(
It is really hard to push back in, you have to be gentle not to damage anything and still do solid pressing motions to slide it back in.. i was really frustrated and emotional during that time but i managed to do it few times and put her back in the box to rest..
Few minutus later when i check on her, she has 1 contraction and the whole thing pops out again.. it's a hopeless case.
And in my case, i damaged the uterus.. little pieces were coming off because of the pushing and pulling.

I would get her spayed while you can, that way you can save her life and never worry that it can ever happen again, and you will save the babies from a agonizing death. The more won't be able to care for them like this and most likely won't survive too long.
The kits will need nursing and special care when that time comes.. i would only consider to wait the litter out if you have other doe's that are nursing to foster but the mother will still be in pain and risk dying.

It's a very tough choice to make, i know.. and i wasn't prepared either at that time which frustrated me so much, because i couldn't help her and it was too late to spay her. She was already old, lost weight and stopped eating..

Please keep us posted..
I wish I had something useful to add. At this point, I'd likely euthanize... but then my rabbits are livestock, not pets. If I had a pet rabbit that I was attached to in this situation, I would likely take her to the vet and have her spayed. It's a rotten situation and I'm very sorry you are having to go through it.
So sorry :( It looks like a prolapse. I would do her a kindness of putting her down. Unless you have the kind of money to pay for what she needs @ a vet, I wouldn't let her suffer, especially when it comes kindling time.
Well, my rabbit savy vet isnt open until monday, but said he could get me in then. I'm not sure if I should take her or not. She isn't a pet, though she is one of the ones I like the most. Really though, if she will end up losing this litter and unable to breed again I know I shouldn't sink a bunch of money into her. This is a hard choice. I hate the idea of not being able to save her and the kits, but I don't want her suffering either. Today shes still eating and.drinking like normal. Still no bleeding or tissue dying down there. If I hadn't found this when I flipped her yesterday I would never know anything was wrong.
Any updates? Try a good amount of sugar water, I've had good success with this, but if she doesn't respond to that... I'd say cull is the safest bet.. Sometimes with a prolapse, you have to actually empty the animal of food/liquid, stitch it closed awhile, and feed a very gentle liquid diet, but it's extremely rough on the animal...