Help! Had a colony for 4 months

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Feb 26, 2013
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Hi, I have raised rabbits for meat for 5 years now . We decided to try the colony style.It has been four months. WE love the concept yet I have had only four successful litters. Many times the does eat their kits immediately and do not use a next box. Some times the does build nest over other nest and most often the nest seemed to be abandoned. I do not like the way my husband built the nest boxes and I think I will change that. It is time to clean out ... I am just really dissappointed. I have 13 does two bucks who get along and 21 nest boxes in 9 X 20 room concrete floor with deep bedding and lots of burrows. Any suggestions or anyone experience the same? Thanks!!<br /><br />__________ Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:08 pm __________<br /><br />
I tried a breeding colony and often had issues with kits getting killed by other does, or being abandoned by less dominant females in the group who I can only assume were bullied away from the nest. My pen was 20x15 and I had 7 does and a buck of various breeds and sizes. I had lots of tables and sono tube tunnels for them to get away from each other. Untill my rabbits were all mothers and sisters I continued to have infanticide problems. When I got back into rabbits I decided to do a grow out pen as a colony and individual cages for breeders.

15 meat rabbits in a 9x20 space seems a bit crowded to me. I would try cutting back on numbers and see it if it helps.
Welcome Tessierfarm!

Sorry you're having colony issues. I agree that the space seems a bit small for the number of rabbits. I wonder if they're culling their numbers themselves because of that. Until you can get the situation under control, maybe cage pregnant does and let them deliver alone?

Hope you get it sorted out.
Thanks everyone! I had another thought as well ... we have never had much luck during the winter months here in maine. I like the idea of a grow out pen that is something to keep in mind! I will be changing the style of nest boxes as well. We shall see what happens!<br /><br />__________ Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:00 pm __________<br /><br />oh our rabbit room is 9 x 26 I was mistaken. But reducing the colony by a couple does may help as well. I have kept a few to replace a couple older does anyway.
9 x 26 even seems small to me. I have 3 does and a buck in a 8 x 20 and once the babies his 5 weeks I move them out to a grow out or it gets a little too crowded for me. My guess is this is your issue. Cut WAY back and see if that helps.