help fly strike!

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Well-known member
May 29, 2012
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My doe some how got her legs through the bottom of her cage got baby saver wire past her hocks. We had to cut her out. She didnt break her legs she is badly cut to tendon but just her skin is cut. She had fly eggs around her wounds I picked off as much as I could I gave her a bath blu koted the eggs and wrapped her legs. This morning I went to change her wraps and she has fly strike! I bathed her Agin in warm Watter with some dawn dish soap she sat there for 15 min hope I drowned the lil @#$%¡ Re did the wraps I hope this works! I cant shave her skin is hanging I can keep spraying her with blu kote its toxic if she keeps licking it how do I safely git rid of the maggots?
If you can not get to a vet immediately, then pick off as many of the external maggots as you can, using a pair of tweezers. The maggots which have burrowed into the flesh can be encouraged to the surface of the skin, by heat such as a warm, damp towel. Ideally you should avoid wetting the rabbit’s coat, as damp fur will clog the clippers that vets use to shave the infected areas, however, dipping your rabbits rear into water can help to get rid of some maggots providing the area is dried afterwards. The preferred method of treatment for fly strike is to remove the maggots using tweezers and shave off any damp or dirty fur.
Soaking her in the water will help dislodge any maggots on top of the skin but will not kill the maggots.When I worked for the vet I was the "offical maggot picker" and have found they are very hardy little creatures and can even live in formaldihyde for up to and hour b4 they die. Sooooo, please take her to the vet. It will be very difficult for you (painful for her ) to remove the maggots by yourself, and can get out of hand VERY quickly. Maggots are made to eat away flesh and are very good at their job. Your poor lil girl could resemble swiss cheese after as little as one day of live maggots. I urge you to act right away.
My angora got this along with his wry neck. Keep the rabbit inside so no more flies can lay eggs. Keep her clean. Wash the maggots out whenever you see them. The best thing would be to take her to the vet though. My vet was through one who treated my rabbits maggots.Good luck.
Have an appt for latter this after noon. The said to dilute apple cider vinger to 25% vinager to 75% water spray area the maggots will try to dislodge themselves then rinse with warm water to remove the ones that disloged
Good luck! This time of year is horrible for this! If you have a rabbit with any kind of wound or diarrhea it needs to be brought inside or it can get fly strike. It happened to my little guy and I felt awful about it.

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