Help!! 3 week old with runny poop!

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Active member
Aug 19, 2013
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Hi everyone, my babies are now 3 weeks old and 1 has very runny poop. It is stuck all over its bottom and fur. The other baby is fine. They have begun eating hay and nibbling pellets but I haven't seen them drinking any water yet? Please advise what to do? Should I give some strawberry leaves or probiotic yoghurt? Could it be baby cecotropes? What age do they start producing these? Also, it is dark brown and very smelly - kind of cecotropes smell perhaps? There is quite a runny stream coming from it now.
strawberry leaves and blackberry leaves are good. I wouldn't give yoghurt- most people believe dairy isn't good for rabbits and it might make it worse. If you can find benebac probiotics for small animals at a pet store or vets thats supposed to be excellent. If the babies still nursing that is really good because he's got a supply of mama's milk and that's the best thing. I had a baby 3-4 weeks old with a poopy butt and was really worried - poo was like brown goo and it was smelly too and I had to keep washing it off and cleaning it for 3 days but it got better and the kit was fine. I think as long as the poo coming out isn't like watery and the kit is still nursing it will probably be ok.
that kit is having issues moving to solid food.

I will recommend that you wash it's bottom AND trim all hair down there. You do this to make prevent the poop from hardening and cause a worse problem.

feed more hay and restrict access to pellets for a couple of days.
I agree with Ladysown that it is likely an issue with moving to solid food. Some old-fashioned kitchen oatmeal (rolled oats) and grass hay are better for it than pellets at this stage. Raspberry, blackberry and strawberry leaves will all help firm up its poops.

There are two other plants that are excellent: the lawn weeds plantain and shepherd's purse. I don't know for certain that you have them in New Zealand, but I think it is likely.
MaggieJ":1evhip1b said:
I agree with Ladysown that it is likely an issue with moving to solid food. Some old-fashioned kitchen oatmeal (rolled oats) and grass hay are better for it than pellets at this stage. Raspberry, blackberry and strawberry leaves will all help firm up its poops.


squidpop":1evhip1b said:
If you can find benebac probiotics for small animals at a pet store or vets thats supposed to be excellent.

Probiotics should help a great deal. I use Bene-Bac by Manna Pro marketed for livestock (goats, sheep, horses, etc.) since rabbits have similar requirements. You don't want a product for dogs or cats.

Good luck with the little guy! I hope he clears up soon. :clover:

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