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Apr 1, 2022
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New to raising meat rabbits and overthinking everything. (Haha) I am just absorbing all the information I can on these new additions to the family. I would love to have them inside every now and then as they have very funny personalities Or even a little run/play area in the yard so they can stretch out. Not sure if anyone does this with meat rabbits? (We are planning on keeping these two females after breeding)
I currently have them on a pellet and endless supply of AlfAlfa. Would love to transition to a natural diet, something I can forage for or grow in the yard/garden just for the buns. I have two standard Rex, female. No male just yet, planning on him soon once I get a buildout for the girls. still working on location in yard where we will keep them but also incorporate a cooling system as it gets very hot in South Florida And I have zero to no shade right now for them.
Does mulberry grow in your area? A nice shady mulberry tree would provide shade for the buns as well as being a very nutritious addition to their diet. We grow a lot of ti plants around the bunny hutches since they like ti leaf and it's easy to feed to them. About once a week they get ti leaf instead of pellets.

If you're planning on breeding the Rex does, it might be a good idea to move that further up the 'to do' list. If a doe is older for her first litter, and in rabbit math, 'older' is over a year and a half, then she may have trouble conceiving a litter. She will have them fine, she will just have difficulty in becoming pregnant in the first place is what I've heard.

Breeders use the term 'proven doe' for a doe who has successfully had a litter and raised them. First off, she has to be able to become pregnant. Then build a nest and have the babies in the nest. Then feed them. Not all does will do this which is why some breeders will be asking for a proven doe.

I would think making a pet of a meat rabbit would be a good thing. The doe would then be much calmer around folks and not mind letting you see the babies and handle them at a young age. Angoras (the buns here) are bred for temperament, it seems somewhat genetic, so add that into your selection criteria? Easy to work with buns are a good thing.
New to raising meat rabbits and overthinking everything. (Haha) I am just absorbing all the information I can on these new additions to the family. I would love to have them inside every now and then as they have very funny personalities Or even a little run/play area in the yard so they can stretch out. Not sure if anyone does this with meat rabbits? (We are planning on keeping these two females after breeding)
I currently have them on a pellet and endless supply of AlfAlfa. Would love to transition to a natural diet, something I can forage for or grow in the yard/garden just for the buns. I have two standard Rex, female. No male just yet, planning on him soon once I get a buildout for the girls. still working on location in yard where we will keep them but also incorporate a cooling system as it gets very hot in South Florida And I have zero to no shade right now for them.
From what I’ve learned,(pretty new at all this myself), it’s not good to bring them inside due to temperature fluctuations.Even in the heat of summer. I’ve thought about a tractor for growouts but I’m going to keep the breeders off ground. Don’t want to deal with parasites especially fleas and ear mites. Have to deal with those issues enough with the dogs. Lol.
Have a question. Are your pellets primarily made of alfalfa? If so you might consider a grass hay like Timothy. As for natural food, I’m now growing Comfrey, I give them rose branches, dandelion, kale,spinach, lettuce from the garden.
I’d love to hear what cooling system you’re going to set up.It’s already in the 90’s here in SE TN. Luckily they are shaded by a big Mimosa tree. I had one end of our new hanging cage that was getting sun even though covered. Transplanted a rose bush there to shade and for them to nibble on.Plan on keeping it thinned out so as not to impede the air flow. But still the heat is a concern. I do have frozen water bottles and tiles in the freezer I’ll use if they start showing any distress.

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