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Active member
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
I was told the best way to adopt a rabbit faster on this site was to tell a little about myself (also to get my post to 20 in no time haha!)

My Name: Jackii, I also go by bunny.

Age: I'm 17, going to be 18 March 1st! :)

Favorite Things To Do: hang out with my friends or my boyfriend, I also love to dance!

Favorite Holiday:Hhalloween :cauldron:

I'm currently a freshman in college & work as a barista at a cute little cafe called Choripan! :bowtie:

Why I want a rabbit: I've always wanted a bun as a pet, I've had 2 holland lops when I was younger, but that's when I was itty bitty, so I don't remember much! But I've done countless research on the best foods & supplies & how to get your bun to trust you & even how to litter train your bun! I also know much on to know what's wrong with your bun, like when it's teeth start over growing, it will produce a lot of saliva & it's fur with constantly be wet, so it's good to get your buns teeth trimmed every 4 weeks! (This is referring netherland dwarfs be cuz they are so tiny)

If there is anything else you would like to know please ask! I'm not shy :D

ALSO please tell me any facts that are good to know about raising & taking care of a netherland dwarf bun. The more I know, the happier me & my bun will be!! :all-ears:
Hi Jackii!


Glad to meet you! I hope you find a great rabbit to share your home with soon! :clover:

To prevent someone not-so-nice from also being able to "meet you", I have removed your middle and last name (which are pretty distinctive, unlike say, John David Smith)
from your introduction. Here at RabbitTalk we try to protect our members safety by not allowing personal identifying information to be posted on the open forum. :)
Hi, Jackii! :hi:

There are lots of Netherland Dwarf people here, so you should be able to find lots of information! Most info on care is not breed specific, so you'll find that much of the information on this forum will be useful to you. :)

You might like this site, if you haven't found it already: http://language.rabbitspeak.com/

I knew you had to trim the teeth of maloccluded rabbits, but you have to do this regularly to NDs? I did not know that at all.
I've never heard of any breed of rabbits that requires people to trim their teeth for them.

The exception being maloccluded rabbits, like Miss M said.

Usually, rabbits wear their own teeth down by eating.

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