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May 2, 2014
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I have a buck that grunt/wheezes almost all the time. He has never sneezed, or had discharge of any kind. It sounds like a grunt with a slight crackle in it.
Could there be something wrong with his respiratory system? Or should I not worry about it, since he is healthy?
It does sound like a respiratory issue. Is it louder if he gets excited like feeding time or if you pick him up?
Is it all the time as in...even when the buck isn't aware your near by? Or as in every time you come near him? I have a buck that I guess its a rabbits version of purring, well the sound is kind like a tiny that the sound? if that's the case and like arachyd said it gets louder near feeding time, then it may just be that you have a very happy lovable rabbit. Only rabbits that really really like you will make that noise :)
I have one rabbit who has a wheeze. Develped this winter.
Not all the time. No other problems.
The only conclusion I was able to figure out...
is a breathing reaction to the urine in the drop pan.
If I keep that pan super clean, rabbit appears fine.
Right now, said rabbit is outside in a hutch. Appears to be fine.
And it happens to be, one of my favorite rabbits.
He took the winter pretty hard too. All winter he had a runny eye, but is now cleared up. He wouldn't breed any of my does until it was warmer either.

It does get louder when I am holding him and when I try to crunch him up in show position. When he is hoping around and eating I don't always hear him. He is good to hold but not friendly to pet.
Also, I took him outside and was holding him for awhile, and his breathing seemed better when he wasn't in the rabbit barn. It doesn't smell in the barn, but there has been a smelly ram in the barn all winter, and I wonder if the musty smell of the ram might have something to do with it.
It's not my sheep, It's my sisters, if I had the choice to get him out of there I would. :angry: