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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
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I just found out that an elderly fella in Geneva-On-The-Lake, located in Ashtabula County, Ohio, had his rabbits seized this past week-- Thursday or Friday. Meanwhile, someone else, a few blocks away, but within township limits, went 'untouched' I am trying to find out the story behind this seizure-- but supposedly, the owner was told all rabbits would be euthanized. :evil:
It is always reasonable not to judge these thing until the facts are in. I saw an article about another group of rabbits that were seemingly seized for no reason. The peoples said their rabbits were well cared for. Later some pictures we published from the scene, and there was poop pile up 6 inches in some of the cages and obviously starved rabbits in others. I am not much for the nut-case do-gooders, but these conditions aren't reasonably warranted.
So far, no one 'official' has provided any information other than 'haven't heard anything' However-- another cpounty resident did askme if it was 'the CraigsList advertiser who sells butchered rabbits and chickens" I had already printed out the municipality code-- which forbids 'that' sort of stuff--So, I am wondering of some AR person, or even a neighbor, may have complained about the activity on the property site. Iam still looking-- The county d Ac person has not called back as of yet--but the description of the vehicle that picked up the rabbits does not match the county vehicle.. and it was not a huge number of rabbits-- so I am thinking a small meat operation, rather than a case of hoarding or out of control breeding. Also, the rabbit supplies that were picked up from the site, and delivered to me, were not in any way, in unhealthy shape-- all I had to do to clean them up was rinse some loose dirt off of them..no rust, no caked urine,even the nest boxes were 'clean'...
I am really surprised they would uthanize the rabbits! Maybe it's just cuz I'm from California, but I would think the rabbit rescue people and rabbit activists would be all over that and protesting and demanding the rabbits be spayed, nuetered, litter-box trained and adopted out for $80 to $100. That's how I think it would all go down here, unless the county animal control got them. There, if not adopted in a timely manner, they'll uthanize anything.
County animal control does not handle rabbits here-- and I have not heard back from the Humane society-- this event- along with several otheres reported across the country that happened the same week, are making me wonder what 'concerted effort' is being put forth by AR groups--- I dohave tot able the search for more informatkion on this, as I am getting things ready for another move-- this time for rehab- yep, hopefully, in a few eeeks, 'body w rok' will be resuming on this ol' chassis... It will be very difficult for me to follow up on what I am doing at this point in time...

__________ Mon May 07, 2012 8:32 am __________

Cindi Davis":1xq5kx9a said:
Will be interesting to know the whole story behind that one

Okay-- more of the story has come to light.

gentleman was elderly and a bit 'off kilter'
would dress rabbits in doll and baby clothing
would then butcher the rabbits, while they were dressed, in front of his house-- about 10 feet from the road!

so, you can imagine the scenario-- someone driving by, and seeing a 'child' being 'killed'

There has been a competency hearing--someone is going to a 'safe place' for the rest of his life..

so, while the stuff that was brought to me was clean, and there were no charges of things like lack of food, I am wondering if maybe the rabbits were compromised, healthwise, in some other way..may never know, but that kind of behaviour is what puts US at risk when it comes to the AR agenda...<br /><br />__________ Mon May 07, 2012 8:32 am __________<br /><br />
Cindi Davis":1xq5kx9a said:
Will be interesting to know the whole story behind that one

Okay-- more of the story has come to light.

gentleman was elderly and a bit 'off kilter'
would dress rabbits in doll and baby clothing
would then butcher the rabbits, while they were dressed, in front of his house-- about 10 feet from the road!

so, you can imagine the scenario-- someone driving by, and seeing a 'child' being 'killed'

There has been a competency hearing--someone is going to a 'safe place' for the rest of his life..

so, while the stuff that was brought to me was clean, and there were no charges of things like lack of food, I am wondering if maybe the rabbits were compromised, healthwise, in some other way..may never know, but that kind of behaviour is what puts US at risk when it comes to the AR agenda...