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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2009
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I'm no longer sure that mom is feeding these two. I took them out to her again about 2 hours ago, and while she sat in the nest box, she munched on hay. When she got out, I checked the nest box, and one kit hadn't moved from the front of the nest box where it had been when I put the box in. The other kit was moving around in the hay, and she had pottied in the nestbox again. I changed the bedding and brought them in.

I've tried hand-feeding them, and I know they got a little bit, but it's probably not enough. I did my best to make sure they didn't aspirate any of it, but I'm not sure how much got into their stomachs. One has been squeaking rather weakly off and on.

I have them on the heating pad (on low) right now, because they were seeming rather cool.
If you have help, you may have to flip her and let them nurse. Many rabbits seem to go into sort of a trance when you flip them and keep the head lower than the body. Then you can place the kits on her.

Next time you take them out to her, try arranging them so that when she hops in they will be under her belly. They may be able to latch on better.

I sure wish Dot would kindle!
Well, we lost them. I'm so discouraged! :weep:

DS17 and I tried flipping her, and we managed to get one kit latched on for about 30 seconds (the other one was already stiff), but she kicked it off (DS was holding her back legs, but she managed to get one free. I tried hand-feeding again, and the kit seemed to be drinking and moving. I put it back on the heating pad while I went to pick up DS21 from work (DS17 stayed to watch the kit), but he called while I was en route to tell me that that kit had become stiff, as well.

And to top it all off, I almost hit a cottontail on the way home. :(
What a rotten evening, Trinity. (((hugs))) So sorry you lost them. At least you know that you did all you could.

Best thing to do, if Dot doesn't kindle this week, is to breed both of them back on the same day. Chances are good that they both will do better next round. The days are getting longer and the rabbits should become more cooperative as they do. Groundhog Day is halfway to spring!
awwww I'm so sorry

I have hand raised literally HUNDREDS of orphans of many species - rabbits are the very hardest in my opinion - I dread them in fact :(
So sorry to hear you lost them ;( You did your best for them. I've been there recently, and sometimes...you just can't save them. As Maggie said...if Dot doesn't kindle, breed them both back and they'll likely have a MUCH better time of it.
Thanks, y'all. This has been a rough ride. My DS13, especially, is taking it pretty hard, and cried for a while last night. I think my DS17 is, too, but he isn't saying much.

I hate feeling so helpless. :( It's even more frustrating considering that there are so few 'Zils, and we were really hoping to increase the genetic diversity (as well as the available stock) with these two breedings.

If Dot hasn't kindled by Friday, we'll rebreed both of them (and hopefully Chica, if I can get her to cooperate) with our buck, Smokey (if Chica doesn't have him completely cowed by now). :shock:

We did get a bit of good news yesterday: I heard back from a forum user on HT who lives about an hour away from us. We've been trying to make connections with her for almost a year to get some Cals. She and her son are getting out of Cals, and they have a trio of 1-year-olds available, with the does already bred and due next week. We're hoping to pick them up on Friday (as well as look at the goats and chickens they raise).
So sorry you lost the little one's. Try not to be too upset, it sounds like you were trying everything possible.

Good news on the new doe's coming though. Maybe she'll have some goats or chickens that you might want to if she's selling.
Maybe she'll have some goats or chickens that you might want to if she's selling.
LOL! Want? Oh, yes!! Can get? I wish! DH is a city boy, and I have to break him in gradually on these things. Goats will definitely have to wait (at least until we can get a fence built), although I'm hoping to ease him into chickens this spring.

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