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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
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I have a problem with a feral cat walking around the yard at night and going into the barn. I've been trying to catch it with live traps but can't seem to catch it. It's smarter than me I think lol. I'm really worried though because its hunting the wild rabbits around my yard and I have 4 rabbit in my barn that I think its trying to get too. I've tried my best to block every hole I could find so it couldn't get where my rabbits are. I believe though its still getting in there since my one mini rex buck is very spooked now. I can't even bring him in the house to let him run around without him being really scared to were his eyes look like their going to pop out and I can't even catch him because he runs from me. I want to breed my does in a few days but scared to since I can get this cat. What should I do?
Maybe you could call a local animal shelter? I know that there is that TNR thing going on, maybe you could contact them and have them trap and release somewhere else?
Well I doubt it would go in any of their traps since it won't go in any of mine. I've tried every kind of bait a cat would eat and still havent got the little guy. It won't go for chicken, wet or dry cat food or even turkey. I've tried other things but still nothing. The only thing I can think of is someone else cought it in a trap so it learned not to go in another one but I don't know. All I know is it's driving me crazy because I'm worried about my rabbits being scared to death. It already killed my friends rabbit because it scared it to death. So I promised her out of the litter I will give her one because I feel like its my fault for her rabbit dying. So thats what made me start closing every hole up. I have to catch this cat because if not its going to try to find away in when it smells my does giving birth. I DON'T WANT THAT HAPPENING AT ALL.
Have you tried covering the trap(s) with an old blanket or sheet? You might also want to leave a hole open into the barn and position the trap so it has to enter it when going through the hole into the barn.
One thing you could try is put out some mouse traps in the barn or just outside where the cat will walk and get a pinched toe or 2 and hopefully scare it out/away from the barn until you can get it. Got my fingers crossed for you, I've met some very scary feral cats and tamed others that were sooooo wonderful! Good luck! :)
Yah know, I was worried about a feral cat around our place and then realized that it was after the stupid rats that were eating spilled rabbit pellets. And of course, the stupid thinks find any leftover chicken feed.

We've got tree rats down here and they climb. They've actually gotten into the feed bins of the rabbits.

The cat has been catching them. So now, even though it occasionally pees on something in my garden, I'm grateful for it.
We have one neighborhood cat that now pretty much lives here. Only came around ocassionally when we first moved in, but now, she's there, hovering, in the mornings when I go out to feed. I've also spotted her during the day and at night. Before she showed up, I was catching around five or so mice a day. I'm sure I would have had more if I'd spent the money on more traps. Now, though, can't catch ANY mice to save my life. I've watched her stalk the little mouse holes for a morsal.

At first, I was concerned that she'd go after my buns and my kits, but so far she has left them alone and even 'made friends' with a couple of my adult rabbits. I do make sure to keep my kits up and off the ground, but so far she has turned out to be a blessing in disguise and will now leave an ear out for her on butcher day. I was also concerned that she would frighten my rabbits, but after a couple of weeks of her being around fairly regularly, ALL of the buns have become acclimated to her presence.

I would make sure that she's actually harassing the rabbits before doing anything... permanent... especially considering that it's possible that someone's house cat may get out and get into the poisoned food.

If you really feel the need to do more, beyond turning your barn into a fortress, I would recommend putting down kibble instead of wet. A lot of cats won't touch wet food (even tuna from the can) as they don't recognize it as food. Kibble is called Kitty Crack in our house. We've caught more stray cats with kibble than wet. You might also try those Sscat Cat canned air things (both the ones that make noise, and the ones that just blast them with air. Also, using a citrus scented spray will deter ALL cats. Don't know how it affects rabbits, but cats literally can't handle the citrus oils and will avoid them.
have caught tricky ferral cats with a little cloth bag of catnip tied to one side [inside the live-catch trap in the back}- they start out trying to chew it through the wire trap, -- but then get stupid and go inside to get at it.
I have a similar problem .... My neighbor has one cat that has turned into dozens of feral's. They have attacked my dogs and are constantly harassing my rabbits.

I tried traps but it seems the cats aren't heavy enough to trigger them .... I pop them with a daisy bb gun , doesn't do any real damage to them , just scares them off ... Until I go inside then they come right back.

I have a plan to modify the trap so they will trigger it instead of sneaking in , taking the bait and laughing at me but have no idea what to do with them once they are caught .... Animal control wants to charge ME $90 for each one of my neighbors wild cats ..... I don't want to dump them off somewhere and give my problems to someone else either .... but at $90 a pop , sending them to animal control isn't an option.
Well I already trapped one but now since his gone I have a new feral tomcat coming around hunting my rabbits. I just can't seem to win. I want to try to breed my doe tomorrow but like I said these cats are scaring me and them. I'm going to try the catnip thing and see if that will catch him.
Feral cats are out of control in parts of this country. If you take them to animal control they are just going to put them down anyways. If you can't catch them to take them in you can look into air rifles. They are getting powerful enough now to put down a cat. Some people can not handle killing an animal but it may be an option for you. Good luck however you procede.
chewy352":39vanya6 said:
Feral cats are out of control in parts of this country. If you take them to animal control they are just going to put them down anyways. If you can't catch them to take them in you can look into air rifles. They are getting powerful enough now to put down a cat. Some people can not handle killing an animal but it may be an option for you. Good luck however you procede.

Yes , air rifles are plenty strong enough to kill a cat .... My son has one that he hunts small game with , the .177 calibur pellets travel at greater than 1650 fps .... a 40grain .45 caliber travels at about 980 fps. I use it to dispatch my rabbits.

There are issues with shooting these critters tho. I saw on the news last night where a man shot a cat and was charged with a felony for it ... Oh you shot that poor kitty. How cruel!! You deserve to go to jail!!

People don't realize these feral cats carry diseases and are a threat to our domestic animals , both pets and commercial types.

I recently had an argument with my wife over the neighbors dozen or so feral cats. She said to me "You've always been an animal lover , how can you kill those poor cats?"
I explained to her that those cats had attacked our dogs and our cat leaving very serious wounds on one dog and the cat and they had made several attempts to get at my rabbits. They carry all kinds of diseases that can be transmitted to our animals .... and they aren't native to the continent , and take a heavy toll on local wildlife. And don't forget they get in the garbage and I have to pick up the aftermath ....

But they are cats !! You cant just kill them.

I asked her what I should do with them - animal control wants to charge me $90 each .... so they can euthanize them which I refuse to pay. Top it off with the fact that I have to catch them , they wont do it. So I'm doing their job and paying them for it too ?!
I don't want to trap them and set them loose elsewhere giving someone else my problems .... What alternatives do I have ?!!?

Silence ....

If you are going to eradicate them , don't mention it to anyone .... cause you may end up facing some serious charges.