Has anyone used horse feed?

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you should ask Badhabit or toady, I forgot which one, but one of them feeds horse feed to their buns.... I think its toady....
I was talking about it to Toady, but she lives in australia so the prices and brands don't match up here...
We used horse feed for a year but ours was higher fat and caused fat bucks and nonbreeding does. It worked fine for the colony where does were bred back to back. Kits did grow slower because of the low protein.
Frosted uses Seminole Wellness. This is the same price as the TSC branded rabbit pellets. If you just want the grains go for one of these. http://www.seminolewellnessfeed.com/textured.html<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:16 pm __________<br /><br />Seminole Wellness Senior Mix. Stuff smells wonderful, like Anise and Rosemary, oats and maybe molasses.
Gee, thanks, another feed supplement I will probably go out and spend too much money on ... these things are never gonna pay for themselves :cheesysmile:
One of the worst experiences I have ever been through as a rabbit breeder was when I was a youth breeder. I nearly lost everything I had one summer, and it happened after I began feeding a horse sweet feed.

I won't restate it, as it's already discussed ad nauseum in the first thread link Miss M provided, but I will state that my experience was such that I'll never do it again, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone else, either. It was likely similar to what Skysthelimit went through recently, and it's devastating to watch an operation that you're worked your posterior off to build just waste away like that. The only positive of the whole thing was that it made me into a satin breeder. The few that survived it were satins, and my greatest showroom success in that period of time came when I began concentrating on satins, but it wasn't by choice. It was all I had left, and I loved showing too much to just get out like that.
Yes watch the Sweet Feed. Most contain corn, and can be problematic.

The Wellness mix contains no corn, but still, it's very fatty.
I purchas a stock feed for my horses. It's approveved for cows, goats, sheep ect. It is higher protein than the sweet feed, and a dollar cheaper. I give a small ammount to my does with litters, and a little to my growers. I also give small ammounts as a treat now and again. I also used it for a doe who lost condition nursing her last litter. It worked well, and once back at weight I pulled her off of it.