Happy 4th of July All !

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Nov 30, 2013
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Pueblo, CO
Hope everyone has a great day! ...and don't burn the hotdogs. :)


edit: dyslexic fingers. :oops:
Happy Canada Day and 4th of July to all! Both countries worked hard to become established and independant countries, and have many brave men and women training and fighting to keep it that way! Thank you to anyone who serves and has served, or been a support to our troops! Hope you all were safe and had fun celebrations!
It was a good weekend here. Plowed, ripped and ran the disc through the garden...(after digging up the garlic),7/3 On the 4th we planted it back in green beans and red beats just in case we need more to can this fall. :lol: By the time the sun went down I could hear the fireworks but didn't really care. :roll:
we made a really great lunch with my parents featuring veggies grown in our garden, then spent the rest of the day waiting on my does to kindle :'D we had a friend over that evening so that was fun. the rabbits of course didn't deliver til after 11pm, but still early enough for that 4th of july birthday ;P for once they cooperated with me on a fun birthday!
Happy Fourth of July all y'all! :D I went and visited my husband down in Biloxi Mississippi and strangely enough... I came back with a rabbit. :| Rabbit math man. So here's my Fourth of July bunny! Still trying to decide on a good western themed name, this will be Southern Belle and Della Rose's handsome beau. 8 week old Texas A&M Composite buck.

Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 10.42.15 AM.png

The fireworks down there were nutty too! I'm used to only the official firework display going off that the city is doing, I'm not used to everyone and their cousin on the beach setting off every firework imaginable right over your head! Then the baseball field went at it as well, I mean we were surrounded by flashy bombs. Fireworks on the ground, fireworks shooting across the ocean bay, fireworks over our heads, fireworks to the right and left, lol. Certainly an experience. I also got to try a pound of crawfish for the first time, that was nifty.