We got back to find our creme doe did not kindle. She'd be on day 34 now so I'll wait one more day and then call the person we got her from to see if we want to rebreed her or she said she'd refund $10 from what we paid for the doe. No doe to foster kits to though. I still have 7, they are growing and eating more every day, and remaining active so maybe they'll make it. They do manage to inhale a lot of milk though no matter how careful I try to be. Some of them seem to be suicidal. They attacked the syringe or dropper trying to slide it all the way down their throats (even with the syringe which barely fits in their jaws) and inhaling milk in the process without stopping until they can't breathe anymore. I have to hold their body and head completely in place and as they get bigger it's getting more difficult.
One is showing some signs of diarhea. Any idea when and how much bene bac I should add?<br /><br />__________ Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:46 am __________<br /><br />Suddenly a few days ago they stopped swallowing or sucking. We lost the first one today. Only 2 or 3 will actually drink willingly and they only take in probably about 1/4th what they need. A day or 2 earlier they were trying to over eat and we were calling one beach ball bunny from his very large stomach after meals. I'm not sure what went wrong between then and now but we are going to lose them all in the next few days if this keeps up. I've even tried soaking pellets in milk and shoving the goo in their mouths but they just wiggle their jaw around and eventually spit it all out. Yesterday they were trying to suck milk off the papertowel and biting my fingers if I got milk on me but they wouldn't take it from the syringe or dropper. I have no idea what happened or to try.