We recently had a little bun that appeared to have a seizure. ILoveBunnies was holding it, and whatever it started doing, it had her thinking it was seizing. She said, "Mom, look at this!" and with that, the bun went limp and draped itself over her hand. It has its pic in the "Dead Bunny Thread". After about 5 minutes, it woke up from its power nap like nothing happened.
Hopefully, you were just witnessing a pre-power-nap routine?

I hope?
I would up the concentration to twice the concentration for goats. Seriously, the formula I used was 1/2 Cup evaporated (double strength) goat's milk, 1 egg yolk, and 1/2 Tablespoon corn syrup. Rabbit milk is very rich stuff. Since the babies get fed just a small amount, twice a day at most, they pack a lot of nutrition into that milk!
The formula probably already has a little sugar in it, but you could probably add egg yolk too, if you wanted.
I did not keep the mixture more than 2 - 3 days in the fridge.<br /><br />__________ Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:49 pm __________<br /><br />
WallTenter":3736qnpy said:
What were you using before the bottle? I have a little runt that is just not doing well at all, I tried fostering him onto a heavy milking doe for a few days but her kits are so obese that he was not getting a nipple I think as he continued to go downhill... now I've brought him inside but he will not drink from either a bottle or a syringe, I am so frustrated I have to force feed this starving kit errr... The sensible part of me says just put him down but there's something about that little face. 6 days old today, the only way I'm able to get him to drink anything is to hold foster mom on her back, and basically dropper milk onto her teat (as he's not getting much from her teats when he nurses, I think she's just not dropping milk unless it's on her terms) but she is not really appreciative of having KMR all over her belly. Should I pull her kits out for a night and just leave him in the box with maybe one other?
If you wrap him in a rag and hold his little head, you can get an eyedropper in behind his front teeth if nothing else. Just don't give him more than a half a drop or so at a time, until he figures it out. He'll give you a fight at first, but once he realizes that weird hard thing is the Magical Food Dispenser, he should come around to using it pretty quickly.
I had to do this with a couple of little ones. One in particular. :? What a fight he put up for a few days! :roll:
You could also try your idea as well.