Hair Balls

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Jun 29, 2011
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I worry my bunny is a Holland Lop an she is always cleaning herself . She is 10 weeks old . Is there something i can feed her to help the hair ball problem? I want to prevent the problem. Thanks .
Thanks for the input it's a great help since i dont know much on bunnys.I heard that diced papaya treats for parrots is also good . So i would like to know if its a good idea ? Thanks
Exactly what the others said. The importance of grooming in this weather cannot be overstated.
it is an enzyme found in the Papaya and Pineapple that breaks down
the proteins which are holding the Hairball together.
The same enzyme is found in "Adolph's Meat tenderizer".
You can syringe feed this mixed with enough water to make it liquid/drinkable.
Cut the pelleted feed and ALL treats. Feed Grass-hay rolled Oats and water.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
If your rabbit is only 10 weeks old, it is unlikely the hair is causing a problem. It is normal for rabbits to groom themselves... and given the chance, each other. Hay and other high fibre foods help to move the hair on through without problems. As so often, the solution is in the feed bowl.
Yeah, she is grooming herself--this is no big deal. Rabbits are clean by nature, it is why we like them. Most short haired breeds can manage their own grooming fine as long as they get adequate fiber from hay. The good advice given by Ottersatin is what to do IF she was having a hairball/woolblock problem, but the signs of that are a very distressed rabbit, not normal daily grooming.

Hay is really wonderful, cheap, solves/prevents digestive problems, and gives them something to chew rather than their cage. She isn't likely to develop a hairball as long as she has hay. The papaya is more important for the woolly breeds I think, though even there hay and brushing will work.

Papaya wont hurt her, it is just expensive and unnecessary.

Hay, pellets, a clean cage and fresh water are all she really NEEDS. The rest is just fun! :)
Just to clarify, I was not intending to negate Ottersatin's advice for a rabbit actually suffering from hair blockage. It just seemed to me that at 10 weeks, all the rabbit needs is a good preventative diet.

I hope Dennis, that you did not misinterpret my post. Although we clash on various topics from time to time :duel: I think we are in agreement on this one. :)
The same as the others have advised... make sure your bun has unlimited Timothy Hay.
A rabbit is a constant groomer, however their physiology makes it impossible for them to "sick-up" hairballs like a cat does. The timothy will help them to successfully pass the hair and prevent fur block from occurring.
I hope Dennis, that you did not misinterpret my post. Although we clash on various topics from time to time :duel: I think we are in agreement on this one. :)
No, of course not, and I can see your point but,
even a kit so young may take up extreme grooming and swallow copious amounts of hair.
If not eating enough grass-hay to move the hair through the tract it can easily
lead to a hairball/furblock. The treatment I suggested would not hurt even a rabbit
that did not really require it. {Peace}!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer: :bunnyhop:

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