Guess the color

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Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern VA
These buns will be sent off to freezer camp eventually, so the answer doesn't exactly matter, but I was wondering if this was a distinct enough color that someone could label it for me? Father is creme d'argent, mother is a broken meat mutt (I think half rex).

I think the toes are so lovely and unique!
Ahh, thank you! I'm trying to get better at knowing my rabbit colors so I appreciate the use a specific terms.
If they are Chestnut with ej. Eej A- They are what is called a harlequinized chestnut. Sometimes, they just look chestnut and you can't tell, other times they will have unusual belly stripes or ear lacing I wasn't sure about the feet that is why I asked.
Those look like regular chestnut agoutis to me because the markings are symmetrical.

One copy of the harlequin gene(ej) can still partially express on an agouti or chinchilla coat. We call that a harlequinized rabbit.

These pics show how sooty harlequin markings can show up on regular (high rufus) chinchilla kits. Two copies of the gene(or one copy paired with non-extension) on the same rabbits would have produced magpies.


Magpie for comparison: