Grass clippings

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2013
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I've seen several people mention feeding grass clippings either fresh or dried. Are all lawn grasses safe for rabbits? I think ours is a rye/fescue mix.

Also, we have tons of weeds. There is no way I could identify all of them. Is a few unidentified weeds mixed in with dried grass anything to worry about? I guess the issue is level of toxicity. Is there anything that would grow as a weed in my yard that just a few nibbles of would do serious harm?

Obviously, in a perfect world, I would be able to guarantee that nothing but grass made it to the buns, but that's just not realistic.
I assume you mean from a lawn mower?

They grow sour very quickly. If you are cutting them with a sickle or something it would be much better.
Many weeds are even better than grass for rabbits. I suggest you go to the Safe Plants list and familiarize yourself with at least the common "good weeds". Pop the Latin name of the weed into Google images so you have pictures to compare them to. It's a bit of work, but your rabbits will benefit in the long run.

Another way to go about it would be to find a weed identification site for North Carolina and match them to the weeds in your lawn.

BTW, I agree with avdpas77 that grass cut with a lawn mower is not the best. It is bruised and mashed by the cutting and tends to start composting almost immediately.
Hi Maggie,
Great to find you around. Yep, I haven't fallen off the earth...... simply to busy to get around to everyplace any more.

Mizemomma....almost everyone has dandelions, plantain, and this time of year chickweed in the yard somewhere.. rabbits love all three.
I give my rabbits grass clippings occasionally, one thing I always worry about, even when I have been round and picked it up first, is dog poop getting mixed in with it.

If you leave it to dry before picking it up it makes pretty good bedding.
Grass starts fermenting which causes issues with horses, but I know some people have cut it, rinsed it and fed it right after w/o issues. Ornamental grasses aren't safe, you need to make sure the land you mow is free of any dangerous plants before you mow it.
I just let the grass grow a foot or so, before it gets stemmy, and cut it for the rabbits.
I have gathered grass clippings (from a lawnmower) for rabbits. :)

I will feed some immediately, and then gather in 3 days as long as it does not rain. Some rearranging of the clippings may be needed to ensure that they dry all the way through.

The last of my dried grass smelled as fresh as the first, so it can work out.

I did not have all of my weeds identified when I tried it (not that I recommend that), though it was mostly St. Augustine grass. Now I've got who-knows-what grass, and lots of other weeds I don't know.
Sorry it took my so long to get back. It's been kinda hectic around here.

I guess I'll just spend more time trying to figure out what my weeds are. I might just have to post a billion pictures until I get it figured out.

Thanks for the help :)