Good pet recommendations?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2017
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Dresden, TN
This isn't really for me, but for my mom. Now that I raise rabbits my mom misses the rabbit she grew up with, and is debating getting a new bunny. The thing is she has some hard standards for me to fit a rabbit breed to her. She want either a dwarf breed or a giant breed (she doesn't want one of mine because they are medium sized). She wants one she can easily cuddle, but she also has a hound and a cat so she wants it to be able to not be seen as a toy to them (honestly I don't think the cat would want anything to do with a new animal). We know that the hound wouldn't intentionally hurt anything, but he does love to play chase. I told her that my English Spots would probably fit really well to her standards, but to her they are the wrong size. Does anyone have any ​ideas of a breed that could fit her?
The larger the better... preferably a rabbit that has been raised around dogs, or had exposure to dogs....

We had a NZ (13lbs) that was buddies with our dog.... at 3 years old he became a pet for someone else, house trained quickly and now has his own dog buddy (supervised playtime)
I think your mom would be happy with a Flemish Giant or a Continental Giant.... Tell her to get out her money, because they are expensive, but if she is looking for a specific requirement, she's going to pay for it.

We got pet quality Netherland Dwarf for a house pet and the breeder stressed that they bred for good temperament.... have to say I wasn't disappointed... very nice little guy.... It depends on the animal.
My cat's play with my lionhead bunnies and they are very gentle so I don't think that's much of a factor, though I do have gentle house cats. As for the dog I dunno. It's adorable to watch them play though. The cats chase the 4 week old bunny to the bathroom then you see em run away like the wind cause the bunny started chasing them insted XD

As for large breeds, does your mom rly want to lift up a 20lbs rabbit to cuddle?
My friend got a bunch of world champion flemish giants a couple months back.
Here's a pic of one of em, notice how I had to use my legs to help lift it up, friggin 20lbs.

Also the bigger, the more they eat and the more poo you have to clean up, litter or not.
So have her consider that first.

I'd think a 5lbs or less would be better if she wants a cuddle bunny. Maybe have her consider a lionhead or a netherland dwarf? If she enjoys cuddling fluffies like I do they might be good :3
Also here's a fluffy option if she prefers the look of "big" have her look at a english angora. They are a somewhat large breed but not as much as giants and with the fur of doom they have they go from silly to huge looking. Besides since they require frequent grooming they're almost garanteed to be awesome cuddle buddies. Plus if she likes knitting it's free wool. I've been looking for a good looking one but they are so rare in my area T.T
If you think an English Spot would be good for her, perhaps a Checkered Giant? I don't believe they are the cuddliest of breeds nor the easiest to handle, but all that I have seen have an entertaining spunk and confident attitude. (A very active breed- not the best for a lap bun, but for a playmate maybe?)
Of course, individual personalities vary within a breed too.
Thank you all!! Maybe I can find her something. I keep trying to tell her my spots would probably fit best from one particular doe I have. The spots are energetic enough for the dog, and my one doe would love to be in a lap all day if she could. Not to mention they wouldn't be hard to get :lol:
KimitsuKouseki":c415ozna said:
As for large breeds, does your mom rly want to lift up a 20lbs rabbit to cuddle?
She wouldn't mind cuddling a 20lb Rabbit. She lifts heavier things often, and as far as the cuddling; she has a 200lb lap dog :lol:
Sounds good, if she doesn't mind the weight then it's fine ^^. I started with giants and wasn't fond of em :) all a matter of opinion.

Here's an idea, lend her a bunny for a couple weeks? Tell her, "pls bunnysit this gal for me for a week or 2." and then have her think about if she'd like smaller or bigger again.
It'll give your opinion a chance, maybe she'll like the size of your buns. If not, she might have a better idea wich size she'd preffer and then you can go from there.
I tried both and the holland lops won hands down. Quiet, sweet, ddin't try to scratch you to death. Didn't mind being picked up. Eat little, poop little, adorable, etc etc etc. My giant hated being picked up, He was so big it was hard not to have your hands dig into him by accident, his foot hair was so long you could not see his nails well, to clip, even when they were sharp. Even once clipped he could rip you up without really trying. Didn't work for me on any level.
KimitsuKouseki":2datomc5 said:
Sounds good, if she doesn't mind the weight then it's fine ^^. I started with giants and wasn't fond of em :) all a matter of opinion.

Here's an idea, lend her a bunny for a couple weeks? Tell her, "pls bunnysit this gal for me for a week or 2." and then have her think about if she'd like smaller or bigger again.
It'll give your opinion a chance, maybe she'll like the size of your buns. If not, she might have a better idea wich size she'd preffer and then you can go from there.
That sounds like a great idea!! I'll try it when I get the chance. Thanks!!
My Giant Chinchillas make great pets. The are very relaxed and love to sit in my lap. They are massive if she is looking for a big bun.
My mom finally got a pet rabbit. She found a little REW lion head (mix?) doe. Definitely a dwarf she was less than half the size of the other rabbits her age. Not the best pictures, but she wouldn't sit still


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