Good informational book...

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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
With the questions about feed values, supplements etc... One may wish to purchase "Small Scale Livestock Farming- A grass Based Approach to...." by Carol Ekarius. It is published by Storey Publishing.

There is information in there on how to determine how much "Hay" is growing in a field, how to mix a feed ration that meets the protein, fat, or calorie levels you want, stockpiling forage, Managed Intensive Grazing,(not pasture rotation) Stocking loads on one's pasture, etc. There are some nutritional value charts, how to determine how much it is costing financially to feed each animal.

This book can be used in helping raise anything from worms to elephants. It is right up our alley.
Good question, 3mina. Of course, if ivory is involved, you have to take the value of that into account as well. As for elephant hide... wouldn't that be wonderful tough leather?

(Just razzing you, Terry. :razz: Here, have some :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: )
I don't think I could afford the gauge of floor wire for an elephant... and I'd rather have a hippo anyway.

Hippo bacon, anybunny?