Gonna miss you guys soon

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2012
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I'm posting this a tad early, I'm not leaving until the 12th or 13th but I just wanted to say thank you to all of you. I have learned so much here and have enjoyed getting to know all of you. I love this forum and when I return I'll look forward seeing all the things I missed while I was gone. If all goes well, I'll be back in March.
I gotta go have surgery and because of the nature of it, I hope its not farewell for good and its not supposed to be but it is a benign brain tumor I have to have removed.
My surgery will be on Feb. 14th. They tell me I should be fine because of where it is but.......
They're gonna drill a hole IN MY HEAD!!! AAAAHHHH!!!! :shock:
I would like to wish everybody much success and well wishes while I'm gone and hope all goes well for all of you. :)
Never news a person wants to hear, but here's praying that you'll be back sooner than any of us realize!!!
Any kind of surgery is scary. I have been on both sides of the "the knife", as a patient and a surgical assistant who has helped with many a brain surgery. It's really fascinating the things they can do now. I can tell you that they are very careful, absolutely meticulous about brain surgery of any kind. They have special software and equipment that allows them to map the tumor in your brain and only remove that, and nothing more. I wish you an uneventful procedure and a speedy recovery so you can come back soon and tell us all about it. I am more than confident that you will be just fine. Better to get that thing out of there before it causes any more trouble. {{{hugs}}}
Thanks everybody! Its gonna suck sitting in the hospital with no computer but I'll get my daughter to give you updates and for her to give me updates. :)
I am sure everything will be fine, just another adventure in life. My prayers will be with you and I am looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
I think it is the idea of brain surgery that is scary. As OAF points out, these days they can do so much with all the technology they have at their disposal.

I wish you a successful surgery, Amy, and a speedy recovery. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers.
We will be praying for you, Amy!!! :grouphug:

So glad to hear that you'll have somebody giving updates, because the forum's always on pins and needles waiting for updates when somebody has surgery! Just have your daughter post under your ID, put it in "Around the Coffee Table", title it something like "Amy's Surgery Update Thread" or something like that. Since she's not familiar with the forum, once we see the thread, one of us can make it a "sticky" so she can easily find it each time... it'll be the first thread in "Around the Coffee Table". She can just keep posting to the same thread. :)
Thank you, I'll show her that before I go.
I have a funny, yet not, story about when this began. I had had the MRI the day before, they were looking for the cause for my loss of balance and called me and said "you don't have MS but you do have a brain tumor,its benign, can you come back tomorrow so we can discuss it?" :shock: :shock:
Needless to say it wasn't funny then but looking back on it she didn't even ask me if I was driving.... it was my cell phone.... That was on my paperwork...I don't answer the phone while driving anyway but she didn't know that! :eek:
Oh, Amy, I know how frightened you must be! ((((HUGS))))

Thankfully it is a benign tumor. It could be so much worse.

You will be in our thoughts and prayers. I have proof of how well that works with the safe return of our dogs and puppies yesterday.

You couldn't ask for a better group to have praying for you and wishing you well. :)

I hope the surgery goes smoothly and you recover quickly. We'll be waiting for your return!
you will be in my prayers, prayers as well for your Doctors, that their hands will be guided and they will
be able to remove this, with out any problems. Will be looking forward
to hearing from you that everything went better than expected.
Hurry Back.
Facing that type of surgery-- you are much braver than I! A fellow board member had such a tumor removed mid-year last year-- she is back to her completely independent self- driving, chasing down truant students, putting together resource pamphlets, etc.

yes, you have my prayers and offerings to the Universe, as well.
You and your family will be in my prayers as well as the surgical team performing your surgery.