Gonna lose her :(

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I just got back from the vet with my old dog. She's refusing food, has a sketchy chest xray, and isn't fighting me about taking pills. We've put her on a course of ABX in case she just has an infection but its not looking good, her blood work was completely normal.

This is going to suck so bad, she's been with us for a decade and we got her as an adult. She's fourteen at least but that isn't making this any easier.
Asker is a Rotti cross. It's been about a year and a half since I lost my 'middle girl' Bella. I always expected to lose Asker first since she was the eldest.
She's still drinking but she hasn't eaten in two days. I hate when they do that, in my experience it's never a good sign.

I think this is one of the reasons I have multiples though, I'm not sure I could handle it if I had only one at a time and lost them.
I'm happy to say I may have jumped the gun. Asker's been on the ABX for two days and she ate a bit today, she has more energy, and she's sounding better. Hubs has been trying to tempt her with butter and she took some today. :D
She's doing really well, arguing about taking her pills, eating like a horse, and jumping on the bed again-I've had to help her up most of last week. She's still a bit noisy at night but her lungs don't sound bubbly anymore and she's not coughing at all.

I'm so glad I was wrong :)