Marinea":1m0y0xp7 said:
I don't understand those folks.
In the event of some kind of fundamental change (collapse or disaster or war), I think a barter economy will be created. Some hay for a rabbit, some corn for some eggs, some veggie seeds for some canning jars. I don't see a consumer economy prospering in that environment.
The problem is, we have gotten used to instant gratification and short term satisfaction. People assume the status quo will never change. If it does change, it will likely happen fast, and mindsets are often much less quick to adapt.
Im with Marinea.Trade will likely take over,however a little gold or silver can't hurt as long as it is kept secret.
A good supply of foods is the foundation for and survival plan. Meats such as beef and deer will likely be more valuable for trade because they will become rare quickly, however small livestock will benefit you more, as they can be eaten in one meal, and will not go rotten before you can eat the whole carcass,they can survive off of less feed, which means less of your time and labor collecting now essential hay and other feeds, and they are less valuable, and therefore less likely to be stolen. Most animals will be hunted to the point of extinction in a few years-so that bets off.Vegetables will also be essential for overall health and vitamin intake. Herbs will be useful as spices to change up food and for medical reasons.
Tools will become hard to find and valuable.Good shovels,Knives,Guns,Ammo,Clothes,Fabric,Needles,Horse Tack,Animal pulled equipment,Thread,Wood,Tin,Wire for animal caging, are a few examples of thing that will be valuable.
Medical supplies and information on how to use them will be worth gold if SHTF.
INFORMATION.I cannot stress this enough.Books,Notes,even the information in your head is vital.Knowing something as simple as how to make rope from grass could save you life.Research,study,knowledge. Assume the worst will happen (even though this is very unlikely) and we will all be living in grass huts and reverting to herders, or farmers living in cottages who are lucky to be able to afford nails from blacksmith.Then gather the knowledge and skills you will need to survive this.Learning one or two skills very well will also be valuable.A herbal doctor,A Cattle/goat/sheep farmer,A Blacksmith,A clothes maker(I'm certain theirs a word for that),the list goes on.
It likely will never get this bad, but better to be ready.Worst case scenario you can pass it on to those who many need it someday and will live secure in the knowledge that you have a chance at life if the world ends.More likely is a modern form of the Great Depression,or a WW3.In any case the best things you could have are a few rabbits' flock of chickens,a goat, and a garden.