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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
South Mississippi
Can rabbits eat ginger root or leaves? I read that ornamental ginger is not good for them but was wondering about regular (kitchen) ginger.
I googled herbs for rabbits before and it was on the list. I can't remember how it was said but is supposed to improve bucks for breeding. I did give my boys some ginger root in January and in no time (about a week) they were interested in breeding. They should recieve a piece about the size of a quarter daily. The older 9 bunnies we have now are the ginger bunnies :lol:
It was an interesting experiment b/c before that nobody was interested in breeding. Then we used ginger on all the rabbits but the boys in particular, the girls we gave BOSS. In a about a week we were able to breed the 2 does who now have the 9 bunnies! Before the experiment boys would hardly try and girls would run and sit in the corners. Coincidence? I will def. try it again but for now, my nestboxes are full! :D
Yes, rabbits can and do nibble the leaves of the ginger plant. There are, however, plants that resemble ginger that are toxic to rabbits, so be sure that, if you are speaking of your pet rabbit, that you only give him small amounts of true ginger leaves to nibble on as an occasional treat.
:pancake: :bunnyhop: