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New member
Feb 21, 2013
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South Carolina
I currently have six does and one buck. I am entertaining the idea of constructing a building just to raise rabbits in. Before I go that far I would like to find a few places or people that are interested in buying and possibly what price they will bring.
I have 90 acres and a saw mill so I won't have much overhead in it at all.
Just looking for some thoughts from more experienced folks.
Welcome to RabbitTalk, JWD!! :welcomewagon:

Are you looking to sell meat rabbits, breeding trios, or show rabbits? I'm guessing meat rabbits.

Can you do your own processing? Of course, that may depend on the laws.

Whole, cleaned, packaged rabbit brings about $5 - 6 per pound around here in grocery stores. You need to check the laws for selling rabbit meat in your area, and then contact grocery stores and high-end restaurants to see if you find some interest.<br /><br />__________ Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:18 am __________<br /><br />Ollitos is a member here who sells to at least one restaurant.
Don't forget the price of feed which is going up. Just make sure that the end price that you sell the rabbits for is enough to make up for the price of what you fed them. I've never sold to any stores so I don't have that experience but I do know how much it cost to feed my rabbits.
No help from me as I don't yet raise meat rabbits, but I wanted to add my welcome to the forum!

I am sure you will get tons of advice and help here. There are awesome folks here involved in all aspects of rabbit raising.
Welcome to the forum!

Around here (Southern Ontario) dressed rabbit at the market is $4.99/pound, but meat sold for human consumption must be provincially inspected.

I can process rabbits for my families use but cannot sell it the general public for human consumption . Because of this my main market is selling rabbits as pet food - mostly for dogs, cats, and ferrets on raw diets but also as reptile food. I get some pet and breeding stock sales as well.

My sister processes the pelts and makes crafts with them, I give them to her for free but could probably sell a raw, unprocessed hide for a few bucks.
I break about even selling weened kits as breeding stock for people wanting to raise rabbits for their own meat needs.

But selling fluctuates wildly through the year, loads of people want them one month and I cant give them away the next. :roll:

Rabbits, meat rabbits anyway, seem to sell best for me when there has been a food related spate of deaths on the news. That seems to push the want to's into doing it's.

And welcome!
We raise New Zealand and Standard Rex. Sell weaned rabbits as breeding stock and the occasional Rex as a pet. It's just enough to cover expenses EXCEPT for the expense of the bunny barn we built. Don't know that we'll ever sell enough to pay for the building but I'm happy that we cover the costs of feed, pens, and other equipment.

Check out your local Craigslist and other listings and see how much "competition" there is in your area. I'm thinking that if you can raise rabbits without going broke, then you're successful! (And when you build that bunny barn, build it at least twice as big as you think you'll need. Maybe three times as big.)

Best of luck to you!
I think the price you can expect is going to vary widely. The last I heard the processors in MN were paying around 1 dollar a pound live weight.