Getting Sable Rexes

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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Sable Standard Rexes are hard to find. Can I get sable from some other color cross, or do I have to actually have a sable first?

I read something about Rex chins carrying a chin light gene, which might result in a sable.
I have a buck that carries sable light, and his sire has sired "beige" kits. I haven't had a chance to ask the breeder what the beige kit looks like, she's culling them, and they might be what I want.
I'm not sure what the breeder means by "beige," but I would be interested to know. Might be tortoise? Anyway, if your buck does carry the chinchila light gene, or the sable gene, that's what you want. Breeding him to a REW would be your best chance of getting the sables you are looking for. If you can get your hands on a seal and breed that to a REW, that will give you all sables.
I'm looking for a seal, that would be great. I do have a REW doe now, I will save her for the pairing.
Sounds like I need a REW buck myself! Does REW pair well w/ other colors?

I have a Jr. REW doe (with Astrex coat), so hopefully I'll get a sable buck out of one of my litters, too.

Sounds like I may be suffering from a severe case of "buck overload" soon...
I've been told that REW pairs well, but the color gene is somewhere, and if you don't know what it is, it can pop up when you least expect it. The REW sire of the 10 week old litter I have carries Chocolate, and probably is a genetic black.

I've always liked the boys, but I've found it's a hard thing to be a breeder if you've got a house full of boys. ;)
It depends what's under the REW. Unlike other colors REW and BEW completely cover any sign of what the rest of the genetics are. You could have a plain black turned to white or a tan/otter, lilac, nonextension/tort, whatever other recessive you want to name... You don't know. That's one reason rew in lines are difficult and himi is preferred for sables. You can see a himi is black, blue, or something weird. I did find info of himi lines being maintained in standard rex despite not being showable just for the purpose of breeding with certain colors. You probably just won't find them being advertised much since they are culled away from the show crowd except the few kept for use.
If you find any that are selling himi, seal, sable or California, please let me know. I've heard of two people who have sables, on opposite sides of the country. Even my own breeder, with the misc. "beige", I think she's culling those ones at birth. I haven't had a chance to contact her about it yet.
Here was my Sable Martin rex:


By pulpfaction at 2010-04-24

Without flash:
Lovely. You are definitely on the other side of the country; more like the other side of the continent!

A friend and I breed, raise, and show rabbits. Mainly mini rex but I do have SOME (standard) rex

.... I could easily get you sables or seals or even sable points in mini rex. I know you said you were looking for Rex though.

Getting them in (standard) rex will be slightly trickier.. I only have 1 castor rex, 1 rew rex (i'd have to check her pedigree to see what colors she's hiding), 5 black otter rex and one silver marten rex right now. The 5 black otter rex and the 1 silver marten rex all carry the chocolate otter gene too.. so I'm excited about getting some chocolate otter rex in the near future and also more silver marten rex!

Quality Rex seem to be very difficult to find anywhere.

anyways... if you wanted seal or sable or even a sable point in mini rex, that I could do no problem, if you'd be willing to pay for the costs.

They come from show quality parents.

I don't have any that I'd be willing to let go of right now BUT I could do a breeding and reserve a baby for you and keep the rest of the litter for showing purposes.

I _might_ be able to get a sable rex.... but it would take some time. If you want me to keep you posted, I can.

We got insanely lucky with a pairing just recently.... and we either have a sable marten or a seal marten female baby mini rex now!... not sure which yet until her points start coming in. Soooo exciting!! I'm joining the sable ( possibly seal) marten club here!

We were originally breeding her for more sable point babies.... imagine our surprise when a marten popped out!! She also threw a tort female! The tort female had to have come from mama's side.... I can also see a sable and/or seal coming from mama's side as well..since she is a sable point and she carries those colors... but not sure where the marten came from. Daddy isn't a marten, that's for sure.

The babies are 16 days old in these photos. Their eyes are open and they are insanely adventurous, curious, brave and friendly. Nothing scared them! Everything was worth checking out in their little minds. Even the crinkling of a bag of chips had them scrambling over to check it out.

little tort girl. her ears look large but that's just a bad angle.

sable or seal marten girl

sable or seal marten girl again

I _know_ she might look black in the picture but I have an old old camera 1 megapixel.
She's really a dark chocolate color.. that's a chocolate behind her.. I think that helps a little.<br /><br />__________ Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:27 am __________<br /><br />I know this is picture heavy and if it's not allowed.. feel free to delete it, admins. Otherwise, let me know and I'll delete it.

This is the surprise color litter.. with the sable and/or seal marten? and the tort. Got a chocolate in there, a washed out harlie, a broken black and a broken opal or blue.. not sure yet.







Thanks for the offer. I just got in touch with Marty Adams, and we are arranging transport for a cal and sable pair. Rexes are indeed hard to find! As for the minis, I wish tort was an accepted color in standards. I had a tort mini rex several years back. She was beautiful and the she's the reason why I chose rexes as my main breed.
Thanks curlysue!

I love them! They are so adorable and wonderful. They were outside of the nestbox tonight hopping around playing and being just plain precious!<br /><br />__________ Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:19 pm __________<br /><br />The babies are doing great. Figuring out a way to transfer my pics from my old phone onto my computer... activation was switched to new phone so... guess i have to get a card reader.

Little Dobra Kuna is doing great.. she is the one we are keeping. Still don't know if she is a sable marten or a seal marten yet. She has to get a little older but we are thinking she's gonna be a sable. She's starting to lighten up a little in the body.

This is her at 5-6 weeks old and still so tiny! What a cutie!
That is beautiful :) my transport fell through so I am back on the hunt for sable and cals.