Nya-Nya! You Can't Make Me! That game has almost driven me insane. My rabbit's name is Lexi, and she is about two years old. I have a fenced-in backyard, so every day or so, I open up her cage (Her cage has a gate in when you open it, it's like a ramp). So I'd let her out for the day and I'd go inside. She's out for a LONG while. I go to school when she's out, so I have practically no contact with her. When it starts to get dark out, I slip into my shoes and grab my carrots. The carrots are for tempting her in. So while I'm out, I stick a few in her cage. Then, I'll find her and give her two bites of one of my carrots. (BTW- these are baby carrots) I'd move back a few steps, she'd follow. I do that for a while until I'm up on the porch, and she won't get in her hutch! I try tempting her with all sorts of fruits and things she likes. But NOOOOOO. She'd rather run around and drive me insane instead. I dunno what to do about her behavior! If it IS all fun and games for her, I'd better not let her out for a while. :evil: Just like, "COME ON ALREADY!" In the end, I have to go downstairs and tell my dad I need him. Believe me, Lexi does NOT like my dad very much. He will stomp up and practically yell at the rabbit. Only THEN does she go in. What should I do? It's becoming ridiculous! :bunnyhop: