G & B Wire Mesh Good? Bad?

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Mar 3, 2014
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I have a credit on Amazon (plus Prime membership) that I would really like to use to build my rabbit cages with. They sell G & B 309301A 24-Inch x 25-Foot 1/2-Inch Galvanized Mesh Welded Mesh Fence (Link at bottom) I know that 16 gauge is not ideal. I had already planned on resting platforms. They also have 1 X 1 I would want for sides and top.

My concern is that it doesn't say cage wire specifically but also doesn't say hardware cloth.

I have really been trying to do my homework before I buy anything. I have found "cage wire" at the local Big R. However, it is about twice as expensive. I forgot to check the gauge at the wire at Big R. I can't remember the brand.

Can I get some expert cage builder's thoughts?

http://www.amazon.com/309301A-24-Inch-2 ... =cage+wire
I'm not an expert, but I did just finish researching this. It seems like most people say that 1) 14 gauge for the floors is better - stronger and a bit easier on their feet and 2) galvanized after weld (GAW) is more rust resistant and better for floors, even if you use GBW wire for the sides and tops. One of the reviewers for this product did say that if you have smaller rabbits (10 lbs or less) then it should be fine - though I wonder how it is on their little feet? No idea, since I never researched smaller breeds.

We ended up buying our cages from Klubertanz, and for the 30"x36" cages it actually only cost $3.60 more per cage to have the whole cage constructed from GAW wire. Even our big 30"x48" cages were only $4.50 more per cage. Now that we have our cages hung and the rabbits in them, I can't even imagine if we had gone with 16 gauge wire for the floors with our big NZ buck, even though he's in the smaller (30x36) cage! I think it would definitely have required some additional support.
I was disappointed with my 16-gauge floors; however, MamaSheepdog has the same floors (same company) and has no problem. The instructions for assembling the cages said to J-clip every 6 inches. I put them every 4, and my floors failed after 18 months. She clipped them every 2 inches, and, as far as I know, they are still going strong.

Somehow, different brands of the same gauge wire will still be of varying quality. Most that you can buy locally tends to be lower quality than the wire that you order from cage supply companies. Better quality wire will be more rigid, and the galvanizing will be perhaps thicker or something. It just tends to last longer.

Galvanized Before Welding (GBW) wire tends to rust eventually at the welds from the rabbit urine, which is rather caustic. Galvanized After Welding (GAW) wire has the wire and welds protected by the galvanizing, and withstands rabbit urine better.

That G & B wire is GBW, so I'd try to find GAW. :)

Haha... Comet beat me! :p <br /><br /> -- Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:50 am -- <br /><br />
Comet007":15trtkq4 said:
We ended up buying our cages from Klubertanz
I bought my replacement floors from Klubertanz - 14 gauge GAW - and they still look new! I'm about to order wire from them to build more cages. :p
Miss M":2f49zfpv said:
Haha... Comet beat me! :p

-- Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:50 am --

Comet007":2f49zfpv said:
We ended up buying our cages from Klubertanz
I bought my replacement floors from Klubertanz - 14 gauge GAW - and they still look new! I'm about to order wire from them to build more cages. :p

Hahaha! Here I am, piping in like I know what I'm talking about just one month after starting my research. :lol: :lol: :lol:

We were really impressed with the cages from them - they look like they will last for years! I already have my eye on 3 or 4 little cages with the pans below for down the road when we want to hold back breeding stock. :D
I thought I looked through all the supply company websites. I guess not, since I didn't know klubertanz sell floors. My mail problem with the cage suppliers is they sold way more than I need (only 4 cages for now) and I need custom sizes. I didn't want to spend so much on one roll.
I don't have experience with that specific product, but we did use a similar 2" x 4' product for our original fencing. Can you say "Epic Fail"? Trying to save money cost us in the long run, as the entire fence had to be replaced (flimsy, broken welds) with heavier gauge woven wire.

I would be concerned about the quality of the wire used, and question whether the welds would hold with the weight of rabbits constantly stressing it.

The BASS site sells a half roll (50') of 1/2" x 1" 24" GBW for $79.85, so if you decide to go with GBW, I would order from them or another rabbit supply house rather than chance it with an unknown source.

Miss M":3on9ltwx said:
I was disappointed with my 16-gauge floors; however, MamaSheepdog has the same floors (same company) and has no problem. The instructions for assembling the cages said to J-clip every 6 inches. I put them every 4, and my floors failed after 18 months. She clipped them every 2 inches, and, as far as I know, they are still going strong.

I ordered my original 24 holes from BASS, and they are GBW 14 gauge sides and 16 gauge floors. I remember reading on the BASS site that they used 16 gauge wire for floors because it "gives" a little and was better for their feet than the more rigid 14 gauge, but I can't find the reference now. They may have updated their site. :?

The only reference I found to floors specifically was in the wire by the roll section:


This 14 gauge floor material is galvanized after weld mesh, that is more impervious to rust and corrosion than standard galvanized material. We suggest the use of this wire for floors in all commercial cages as well as cages where flush type manure systems are used and the floors are subjected to above-normal moisture levels.

My floors still look great. If I take a rabbit out, the floor still crowns upward. You can see a picture here: post129287.html?hilit=BASS%2016%20gauge%20floors%20give#p129287

I haven't had any problems with rust or corrosion of the GBW, but we live in a very dry climate and the cages are under cover. I also keep my cages clean and don't allow any buildup of waste in them beyond calcium buildup from urine in some of the cages, which I scrape off with a putty knife periodically.

I believe that Miss M's floors failed because of the spacing of the J-clips. At the time she had meat mutts which were smaller than my Rex, so the weight of the rabbits wasn't at fault.

Miss M... did your floors have any rust due to the higher humidity there, or were they just sagging?

Now, all that said about how well my GBW cages have held up, I did buy some GAW wire, and it is clearly a superior product. The extra coating increases the diameter of the wire and creates an incredibly strong bond at the welds. I think 16 gauge GAW would hold up better than 14 gauge GBW to the onslaught of a predator because of those reinforced joints. I am also certain that it will resist rust and corrosion far longer, and plan to only buy GAW wire in the future.
Just for my clarification... My main concern should be on the floor right? I was planning on urine guards when needed to protect the sides. <br /><br /> -- Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:42 am -- <br /><br /> I am going a tad off topic here.. but since we are talking about rust on the floor it sort of goes with it.

I have the option to get a couple sheets of aluminum (new) for free cut to fit for the "poo slide." Any idea of what the rabbit urine will do to it. I could wash it often if needed. I would use the roofing material but I would have to buy some. Free is a much better option.