Rainy Days Rabbitry
So I have craigslist set to auto send me any new advertisements with the keywords, "Rabbit, rabbits, bunny, bunnies" and I struck gold yesterday. 16 free rabbits around the age of 12 weeks old! (Must take all) Dang it, I didn't check my email until 2 hours after I got it in my inbox, I thought they must be gone by the time I saw the listing. I shoot them an email saying I can come get them right now and surprise! They still have them! Apparently plenty of people have inquired but none had scheduled a time to pick them up or they only wanted 1 or 2. I packed my 2' x 4' cage into the back of the car and off I went!
They were so cute!! And all those spots! The lady had mentioned something about someone giving her an English Spot and he got loose? Not sure, a little fuzzy on the details but they do look like they could be english spot x new zealand crosses, definitely a leaner body and those markings... adorable. I decided I had cage space for 5 of them to grow them a bit before processing (because I wanted thicker, larger pelts) so I picked the prettiest 5 and let them know they had a stay of execution. That orange one... :in_love:
Then I start processing the remaining 11 buns and oh no... spotty livers. BADLY spotted livers. All of them. From a scale of 0-10 (zero being a clear liver and 10 being the worse liver I've seen on google images) these guys were around 6 to 9! There was one that may have been a 10... :shock:
Needless to say they all got processed, the 5 did get a short stay of execution by a few hours but eventually they went the way of the knife. I just don't want to mess with coccidia, I've got enough to deal with without adding THAT to the mix. Poor guys.... But you'll sure taste good!
Now I've got them (including the heads) in the cooler filled with ice, water and salt to brine overnight, I'll probably switch out the water with fresh tomorrow and add more ice. I want to pressure can them, bone in raw pack but I don't think I have time tomorrow so they'll brine for another day. Anyone canned rabbit before? I've never even CANNED before but I have this brand spankin' new pressure canner in a box sitting in my kitchen.... I need to try it out and now I have all these free buns!
Also, I'm making something with the heads if my stomach will let me, lol.
They were so cute!! And all those spots! The lady had mentioned something about someone giving her an English Spot and he got loose? Not sure, a little fuzzy on the details but they do look like they could be english spot x new zealand crosses, definitely a leaner body and those markings... adorable. I decided I had cage space for 5 of them to grow them a bit before processing (because I wanted thicker, larger pelts) so I picked the prettiest 5 and let them know they had a stay of execution. That orange one... :in_love:
Then I start processing the remaining 11 buns and oh no... spotty livers. BADLY spotted livers. All of them. From a scale of 0-10 (zero being a clear liver and 10 being the worse liver I've seen on google images) these guys were around 6 to 9! There was one that may have been a 10... :shock:
Needless to say they all got processed, the 5 did get a short stay of execution by a few hours but eventually they went the way of the knife. I just don't want to mess with coccidia, I've got enough to deal with without adding THAT to the mix. Poor guys.... But you'll sure taste good!
Now I've got them (including the heads) in the cooler filled with ice, water and salt to brine overnight, I'll probably switch out the water with fresh tomorrow and add more ice. I want to pressure can them, bone in raw pack but I don't think I have time tomorrow so they'll brine for another day. Anyone canned rabbit before? I've never even CANNED before but I have this brand spankin' new pressure canner in a box sitting in my kitchen.... I need to try it out and now I have all these free buns!
Also, I'm making something with the heads if my stomach will let me, lol.